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Protect yourself from the confidence man’s moonshine

With the rising popularity of the radio and increased interest in broadcasting, Scientific American began running a section called “Radio Notes” which appeared monthly. [More]

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Ferry Tale: Fire Ants Aggregate into Living Rafts to Escape Floods

If you're ever pursued by a colony of fire ants , it might occur to you to try to escape their painful, itchy stings by diving into the nearest body of water. Wrong move. It turns out that thousands of fire ants can easily self-assemble into a waterproof raft, which can float on water for months.

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Historic Drought Sets Texas Ablaze and May Last into Summer

Wildfires have burned about 1.5 million acres in Texas since January, egged on by a drought that federal forecasters say is the worst to hit the state in 45 years. Officials with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration say their weather models predict the severe drought that has parched the southern United States will continue to midsummer -- and beyond. "Predictions over weeks to one to three months suggest the drought will continue, and even intensify, in some areas as we struggle to get any rainfall," said David Brown, director of climate services for NOAA's Southern Region

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Facebook Deals Out-Groups Groupon

... And Living Social and anyone in the deals business, which has, until now been focused on scoring the deepest discounts for individuals. Here's why Facebook Deals inaugurates a new era.

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Man discovers a new life-form at a South African truck stop

Like many biologists, the German biologist Oliver Zompro spends thousands of hours looking at specimens of dead animals. He found his first new species when he was twenty. By the age of thirty he had named dozens of wild new forms.

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Why Doctors Should Be More Empathetic–But Not Too Much More

If possible, think back to a time you or a loved one had to be in a hospital for a significant amount of time. What do you remember from the experience? Many people report an eerie feeling about their stays in hospitals.

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Fire Ants Link Together To Stay Afloat

Take a fire ant--don’t forget your gloves. Toss it in water, and it’ll eventually drown. But throw a group of fire ants into the water, come back the next day, and they’ll still be floating

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Climate change to hit American West water supply

By Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Climate change could cut water flow in some of the American West's biggest river basins -- including the Rio Grande and the Colorado -- by up to 20 percent this century, the Interior Department reported on Monday.

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