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Bacteria and archaea--collectively known as prokaryotes--live pretty much everywhere, dividing happily in places from stomach acid to deep-sea vents. They can thrive in so many different places because their genomes are incredibly flexible: they can alter, lose and duplicate genes almost at will

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Too Hard for Science? Creating naked singularities

Neutrino beams might create such enigmas, but dare we risk making anything so unpredictable? In "Too Hard for Science?" I interview scientists about ideas they would love to explore that they don't think could be investigated

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Costa Rica Rock Hunt Goes Far Below Pacific Ocean

By Alex Leff PUNTARENAS, Costa Rica (Reuters) - Scientists set off from Costa Rica on Sunday to drill a hole deep under the sea and directly extract rocks from record depths that could add to the understanding of climate change. [More]

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Costa Rica Rock Hunt Goes Far Below Pacific Ocean

By Alex Leff PUNTARENAS, Costa Rica (Reuters) - Scientists set off from Costa Rica on Sunday to drill a hole deep under the sea and directly extract rocks from record depths that could add to the understanding of climate change. [More]

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Is a geothermal heat pump right for you?

I've tried it all: caulking cracks, blowing in insulation, replacing drafty windows and--I'm especially proud of this one--installing a mail-slot cover so airtight it could be used in a space shuttle docking module . Yet my home heating bill remains an object of fear and loathing

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The Orderly Chaos of Proteins [Video]

The traditional view of proteins is that, right after being synthesized, they must fold into a unique shape to function properly. Unstructured proteins, according to biological orthodoxy, are pathological

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Scientists want climate change early-warning system

By Gerard Wynn LONDON (Reuters) - A better monitoring network for greenhouses gases is needed to warn of significant changes and to keep countries that have agreed to cut their emissions honest, scientists said in papers published Monday. [More]

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Can Taxes Be Green?

Pollution is cheap, for the polluter. Releasing sulfurous fumes into the air or dumping radioactive water into the ocean is ostensibly the easiest and cheapest way to deal with unwanted byproducts.

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Manuka Honey Slips Up Some Bacteria

Honey’s been a medicine since before medicine as we know it even existed. Its use was described on Sumerian clay tablets from nearly four thousand years ago.

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