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Cisco Kills Flip Camera

Flip Camera, your fifteen minutes are up. Just a couple of years ago, it was the VW Bug of Camcorders.

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Coast Benefits: NASA Announces Retirement Homes for Space Shuttles

The launching and landing of space shuttles has always been a fairly coastal affair: The shuttles take off from Florida and almost always touch down in Florida or California. (Once, in 1982, a shuttle landed at New Mexico's White Sands Space Harbor.) NASA is continuing that coastal tradition with the placement of its retired and retiring shuttles , whose final homes were announced April 12. The three shuttles will be displayed in Florida, Los Angeles and Virginia, and a test-flight shuttle that never reached orbit will go to New York City.

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Radiation Release Will Hit Marine Life

By Quirin Schiermeier of Nature magazine As radioisotopes pour into the sea from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, one reassuring message has been heard over and over again: the Pacific Ocean is a big place. That the isotopes will be vastly diluted is not in question

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Japan Faces Low-Carbon Power Struggle

By Jeff Tollefson of Nature magazine The disaster at Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant is putting the nation's ambitious plans to reduce carbon emissions under serious pressure. [More]

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Slow and steady (almost) wins the race

The "Inventions" section of the December 27th, 1919, issue of Scientific American featured a new model of the bicycle invented by Mr. C. H

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No winners among penguins as Antarctic warms

The number of Adelie and chinstrap penguins living on the Antarctic Peninsula has plummeted by more than half during the past 30 years. Scientists once believed that climate change would create a stark contrast between the two species.

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Firing Up American Innovation

Each day, Inc.'s reporters scour the Web for the most important and interesting news to entrepreneurs. Here's what we found today.

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Bambi or Bessie: Are wild animals happier?

We, as emotional beings, place a high value on happiness and joy. Happiness is more than a feeling to us - it’s something we require and strive for. We’re so fixated on happiness that we define the pursuit of it as a right.

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