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Tag Archives: gordon-gallup

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Homophobia Phobia: Bad Science or Bad Science Comprehension?

Two columns ago , I discussed evolutionary psychologist Gordon Gallup’ s theory about the possible adaptive function of homophobia, or, more broadly defined, negative attitudes toward gay people. Central to his position--which, he assures me, has not since wavered--is that homophobic responses "are proportional to the extent to which the homosexual [is] in a position that might provide extended contact with children and/or would allow the person to influence a child’s emerging sexuality." I also described a set of studies meant to test some hypotheses related to this theory, and which, according to Gallup, offered provisional evidentiary support. I expressed some unease with the implications (and insinuations) of Gallup’s line of argument

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Natural homophobes? Evolutionary psychology and antigay attitudes

Consider this a warning: the theory I’m about to describe is likely to boil untold liters of blood and prompt mountains of angry fists to clench in revolt. It’s the best--the kindest--of you out there likely to get the most upset, too. I’d like to think of myself as being in that category, at least, and these are the types of visceral, illogical reactions I admittedly experienced in my initial reading of this theory.

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