(PhysOrg.com) -- The Universe wouldn't be the same without the Higgs boson. This legendary particle plays a role in cosmology and reveals the possible existence of another closely related particle.
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Feed Subscription‘God particle’ out of hiding places: CERN chief
The elusive Higgs Boson, known as the "God particle", is -- if it exists -- running out of places to hide, the head of the mammoth experiment designed to find it said on Thursday.
Read More »Z-prime search may hurdle Higgs hunt
If you're bummed about humanity's biggest accelerator not producing a Higgs particle yet, maybe the latest effort to find a Z-prime will make you feel better.
Read More »Signal for Higgs Particle Grows Weaker in Latest Data
By Geoff Brumfiel of Nature magazine The Higgs boson , the most sought-after particle in all of physics, is proving tougher to find than physicists had hoped. Last month, a flurry of "excess events" hinted that the Higgs could be popping up inside the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's most powerful particle accelerator located at CERN, Europe's high-energy physics lab near Geneva, Switzerland.
Read More »LHC experiments eliminate more Higgs hiding spots (Update)
(PhysOrg.com) -- Two experimental collaborations at the Large Hadron Collider, located at CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, announced today that they have significantly narrowed the mass region in which the Higgs boson could be hiding.
Read More »Physicists closing in on the elusive Higgs boson
Scientists at a meeting in Grenoble, France, recently stoked speculation that physicists at the world's biggest particle accelerator may soon provide a first look at the elusive Higgs boson - the final piece of evidence needed to prove that the Standard Model of particle physics, which explains the behavior of subatomic particles, is correct.
Read More »Physicists excited by hints of Higgs boson existence
Birmingham particle physicists are today trawling through the data from particle collisions at the Large Hadron Collider that could indicate the existence of the Higgs boson.
Read More »Tevatron experiments close in on favored Higgs mass range
(PhysOrg.com) -- Experiments at the Department of Energy’s Fermilab are close to reaching the critical sensitivity that is necessary to look for the existence of a light Higgs particle. Scientists from both the CDF and DZero collider experiments at Fermilab will present their new Higgs search results at the EPS High-Energy Physics conference, held in Grenoble, France, from July 21-27.
Read More »Riddle of ‘God particle’ could be solved by 2012: CERN
Physicists said on Tuesday they believed that by the end of 2012 they could determine whether a theorised particle called the Higgs boson, which has unleashed a gruelling decades-long hunt, exists or not.
Read More »Testing technicolor physics
(PhysOrg.com) -- As the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ramps up the rate and impact of its collisions, physicists hope to witness the emergence of the Higgs boson, an anticipated, but as-yet-unseen, fundamental particle that scientists believe gives mass to matter.
Read More »CERN physics lab downplays claim of key discovery
(AP) -- The world's biggest particle physics lab on Tuesday played down claims of a major discovery, after a leaked memo hinting that the elusive Higgs boson - or 'God particle' - may have been found ricocheted around science websites.
Read More »Meeting the Higgs hunters
With CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) now being fired up after its winter shutdown, physicists at the Geneva lab are gearing up for the first signs of the Higgs boson -- the never-before-seen particle that is one of the LHC's main goals.
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