Individuals aged 60 to 70 with the highest body mass index (BMI) had the highest rate of cognitive decline
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Feed SubscriptionVideo: Mississippi woman is "only doctor in town"
Mississippi has the highest rate of infant mortality and obesity in the nation. One woman has spent almost half her life taking care of people who have no money and no other way to get help.
Read More »Researchers revolutionize electron microscope
Researchers at the University of Sheffield have revolutionised the electron microscope by developing a new method which could create the highest resolution images ever seen.
Read More »Guest Post: End Oil Subsidies? The $4 Billion Question
By now, you have probably heard the call by democrats and environmentalists to end the $4 billion in subsidies for big oil.
Read More »Unusual ‘collapsing’ iron superconductor sets record for its class
( -- A team from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland has found an iron-based superconductor that operates at the highest known temperature for a material in its class. The discovery inches iron-based superconductors—valued for their ease of manufacturability and other properties—closer to being useful in many practical applications.
Read More »Decoding cosmological data could shed light on neutrinos, modified gravity
( -- Today’s most powerful telescopes collect huge amounts of data from the most distant locations of the universe – yet much of the information is simply discarded because it involves small length scales that are difficult to model. In an effort to waste less data from cosmological surveys, a team of scientists has developed a new technique that allows researchers to use otherwise unusable data by "clipping" some of the highest density peaks, which present the greatest challenge to models. This data could provide a way to address some unsolved problems in physics, including estimating the neutrino mass and investigating theories of modified gravity.
Read More »What’s Driving Your Customers Away?
You are. This case study proves that customer attrition has little to do with the economy or prices. Retaining existing customers is a challenge for any business.
Read More »African Leaders Call Greenhouse Gas Emission Cuts a ‘Life or Death’ Issue
Developing countries set the highest bar possible yesterday for the U.N. climate change talks, demanding that wealthy countries ante up with new carbon emission targets yet warning them to expect no binding commitments from others in return. [More]
Read More »China Official Says Air Pollution Rules Too Lax
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's air pollution standards are too lax, a senior environment official said in comments published on Friday, the highest level comment following complaints that authorities are understating the extent of smog that often envelops Beijing. The level of air pollution in the capital varies, depending on winds. But in recent weeks, a cocktail of smokestack emissions, vehicle exhaust, dust and aerosols have blanketed the city in a pungent, beige shroud for days on end, prompting residents to denounce official readings of "slight" pollution as a gross undercount
Read More »Using Social Tools On Their Sites, Not Facebook, Web Retailers Boost Sales With Sociable Labs
Making "social" work for online retailers is simple, says Nisan Gabbay founder of Sociable Labs. "Let’s move away from business-to-consumer marketing and go back to people-to-people." Sociable Labs may be the secret weapon retailers have been waiting for when it comes to social media. Over the past year, the San Mateo-based startup’s been operating in stealth mode with a $75,000 cash infusion from Facebook's fB Fund, and $1 million in subsequent angel funding
Read More »Tips for Running Daily and Local Deals
Inc. has covered the Daily Deal and Local Deal space quite extensively over the last year or so. In fact my colleague Eric Markowitz has reported on the death of daily deals (and their resurrection ) in the last few weeks.
Read More »Like fish on waves: electrons go surfing
Physicists at the RUB, working in collaboration with researchers from Grenoble and Tokyo, have succeeded in taking a decisive step towards the development of more powerful computers. They were able to define two little quantum dots (QDs), occupied with electrons, in a semiconductor and to select a single electron from one of them using a sound wave, and then to transport it to the neighbouring QD. A single electron "surfs" thus from one quantum dot to the next like a fish on a wave.
Read More »Long-time mystery in cobalt oxides
The existence of an intermediate-spin (IS) state in cobalt oxides has long been a subject of dispute.
Read More »Inc.’s 2011 Compensation Guide
How much are Americans being paid in 2011? What effect has the recession had?
Read More »Poor Man’s Burden: Why Are HIV Rates So High in the Southern U.S.?
When the AIDS epidemic first surfaced in the U.S.
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