From the first BMW Art Car, created by American artist Alexander Calder and commissioned by French racing driver Herv
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Feed SubscriptionArgonne scientist energizes quest for lost Leonardo da Vinci painting
Perhaps one of Leonardo da Vinci's greatest paintings has never been reprinted in books of his art. Known as the "Battle of Anghiari," it was abandoned and then lost—until a determined Italian engineer gave the art world hope that it still existed, and a physicist from the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory developed a technique that may reveal it to the world once again.
Read More »Weinergate: Private Records in a Public Age
History is littered with private indiscretions made public--some have just been more public than others:
Read More »Video: Famous "short sleepers"
Less than 3 percent of the population is able to function well on 4 hours of sleep. They are called "short sleepers." As Marisol Castro reports, famous "short sleepers" in history include Leonardo DeVinci and Martha Stewart.
Read More »Lost in Triangulation: Leonardo da Vinci’s Mathematical Slip-Up
Artist, inventor and philosopher Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) was without a doubt a genius. Yet, there is some criticism. In his book 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance (William Morrow, 2008) British author and retired submarine commander Gavin Menzies claims that da Vinci swiped most of his ideas from the Chinese
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