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Speed Bump: Formula Hybrid Competition Student Engineers Tripped Up by Complexity [Video & Slide Show]

With the market for hybrid automobiles picking up steam , it makes sense for tomorrow's engineers to get a feel for designing and building cars powered by a combination of internal combustion and electricity. Hybrid technology is far from an exact science, however, as student engineers found out last week at the Formula Hybrid International competition held at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon, N.H. [More]

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App Stores Will Be $4 Billion Business This Year

A new report illuminates how Apple, Google, RIM, and Nokia will battle for the top spot in this lucrative market. The revenues from the major app stores will nearly double this year, reaching $3.8 billion in revenue in 2011, according to the market research firm iSuppli . Apple holds the lion's share of this market, at about three-quarters of the whole

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Big Idea: An Antimicrobial Gym Towel

The "aha" moment: Thomas Davis was working out at a Pittsburgh YMCA one afternoon in 2009 when he noticed his fellow gymgoers moving their sweaty towels from one machine to the next. Davis, a former consumer products consultant at Pfizer, thought there might be demand for a more hygienic gym towel.

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Urban Mining May Help Dispose of E-Waste

Each year, new electronics hit the market and capture consumers' attention, giving them reason to throw away the old VCR or standard television and engross themselves in state-of-the-art gadgetry. Most of the time, the old electronics end up in the garbage, despite holding plenty of reusable material. But a push for recycling them has gained ground in recent years through both new state laws and a developing "e-recycling" industry

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How to Narrow Your Target Market

Huge, profitable companies like Walmart and Amazon didn't start as the all-encompassing retailers we know today. Each debuted with a very specific focus that helped them find and nurture a strong customer base.

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When Writing a Business Plan Is a Waste of Time

Walk into any bank in the country and ask for a loan to start a business and the knee jerk reaction of the banker behind the desk will be to ask you to write a business plan—even though they themselves have likely never written one and will not base their lending decision on its content. The problem with writing a business plan as a start-up is that it will be based on one assumption on top of another. If your first assumption is flawed, then the whole thing is useless.

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Audi Heads in a New Direction with the Q5 Hybrid

Despite Audi’s recent efforts with clean-diesel engines in the A3 TDI and Q7 TDI models, the German luxury brand will soon offer a whole new type of alternative power train in the States with the 2012 Audi Q5 hybrid. Just like all full hybrids on the market today, the Q5 ...

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Big Idea: Direct Mail That Talks

The "Aha" Moment: Crystal Martin's daughter received plenty of cards when she turned 4 in January 2010, but her favorite played "Happy Birthday" when she opened it. That inspired Martin, a political consultant for congressional candidate Jim Reed in California, to create a talking direct-mail brochure that would help her boss stand out

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Samsung’s Anti-iPad 2 Policy: Clone the Heck Out of It

In what may be a perfect "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" maneuver, Samsung has just revealed its answer to the iPad 2--a new set of Galaxy Tab tablets. In terms of specs, they're pretty much clones of Apple's offering.

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PepsiCo to Coke: Our 100% PlantBottle Is 70% Plantier Than Your PlantBottle

Coca-Cola made headlines in 2009 when it introduced the PlantBottle, a beverage bottle made from petroleum-based materials and 30% plant-based materials. The company's ultimate goal has been to make a 100% plant-based bottle--but now PepsiCo has beaten it to the punch.

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