At the center of our Milky Way galaxy is a supermassive black hole.
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Feed SubscriptionEncounter at Dawn: Stephen Hawking, me, and an ATM
A black hole lenses the light of the Milky Way in the background (Credit: Ute Kraus amd Axel Mellinger) This weekend Stephen Hawking turns 70, an extraordinary physical accomplishment to add to an extraordinary list of physics accomplishments. Seeing this news reminded me of the the first time that I crossed paths with Hawking.
Read More »Our Galaxy’s "Big Ears": Milky Way’s Large Companion Galaxies Stand Out
Our Milky Way is just one of many billions of galaxies that dot the cosmos--an ordinary spiral in a universe filled with them. The unspecialness of our corner of space, an idea known as the Copernican principle, is a cornerstone of modern cosmology.
Read More »NASA satellite could reveal if primordial black holes are dark matter
( -- The primary objective of NASA’s Kepler satellite, which was launched in March 2009 to orbit the Sun, is to search for Earth-like planets in a portion of the Milky Way galaxy. But now a team of physicists has proposed that Kepler could have a second appealing purpose: to either detect or rule out primordial black holes (PBHs) of a certain mass range as the primary constituent of dark matter.
Read More »The Dark Side of the Milky Way (preview)
Although astronomers only slowly came to realize dark matter’s importance in the universe, for me personally it happened in an instant. In my first project as a postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1978, I measured the rotational velocities of star-forming giant molecular clouds in the outer part of the disk of our Milky Way galaxy.
Read More »Star-Crossed: Milky Way’s Spiral Shape May Result from a Smaller Galaxy’s Impact
The lovely, familiar swirl of the Milky Way, with its symmetric spiral arms winding outward from a central bulge, may be scars from a smaller galaxy punching above its weight.
Read More »Arm’s Trace: Astronomers Spot a Newfound Piece of the Milky Way Galaxy
Fantastically detailed, visually arresting photographs of Andromeda, a spiral galaxy that lies 2.5 million light-years from Earth, have been available for years.
Read More »Researchers develop high-performance bulk thermoelectrics
( -- Roughly 10 billion miles beyond Neptune's orbit, and well past their 30th birthdays, Voyagers 1 and 2 continue their lonely trek into the Milky Way.
Read More »A galactic growth spurt
A simulation of galactic growth shows how a galaxy akin to our own Milky Way might have appeared 10 billion years ago.
Read More »Milky Way Should Have Much More Companionship
Dark matter. Nobody knows what it is, but it's thought to make up a quarter of the universe
Read More »A Starry Night on Sark Island
Photograph by Chris Floyd FORGET BLUE skies -- for a growing community of stargazing tourists, darkness is all they want. "People have never seen the Milky Way," says Rowena Davis of the International Dark-Sky Association, which identifies the earth's best locales for appreciating the heavens
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