For decades now physicists have contemplated the idea of an entire shadow world of elementary particles, called supersymmetry. It would elegantly solve mysteries that the current Standard Model of particle physics leaves unexplained, such as what cosmic dark matter is.
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Feed SubscriptionVodafone Spends $1.7 Billion To Become A More Powerful U.K. ISP
Breaking news from your Fast Company editors with updates all day. Vodafone, one of Europe's biggest and most powerful cell phone networks, has this morning spent a whopping £1 billion ($1.7 billion) to buy Cable & Wireless, an operator that has significant land-line assets and a business-centric portfolio. The deal catapults Vodafone into still more market dominance, since it now has a cable distribution network in addition to its extensive wireless one, and hooks the firm up to long-tail revenues from enterprise broadband buyers.
Read More »Signal for Higgs Boson Particle Gains Strength
Today the two main experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, submitted the results of their latest analyses. The
Read More »World’s most powerful X-ray laser creates two-million-degree matter
Researchers working at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have used the world's most powerful X-ray laser to create and probe a two-million-degree piece of matter in a controlled way for the first time. This feat, reported today in Nature, takes scientists a significant step forward in understanding the most extreme matter found in the hearts of stars and giant planets, and could help experiments aimed at recreating the nuclear fusion process that powers the sun.
Read More »Decoding cosmological data could shed light on neutrinos, modified gravity
( -- Today’s most powerful telescopes collect huge amounts of data from the most distant locations of the universe – yet much of the information is simply discarded because it involves small length scales that are difficult to model. In an effort to waste less data from cosmological surveys, a team of scientists has developed a new technique that allows researchers to use otherwise unusable data by "clipping" some of the highest density peaks, which present the greatest challenge to models. This data could provide a way to address some unsolved problems in physics, including estimating the neutrino mass and investigating theories of modified gravity.
Read More »New Art Movement? The Science Artists Feed Keeps Growing
Ammonite Flax Flower Glendon Mellow. Under CCL. Most people are aware that there are trends and movements in the Fine Art world, just as there are in design, fashion, music and architecture
Read More »Underwater neutrino detector will be second-largest structure ever built
The hunt for elusive neutrinos will soon get its largest and most powerful tool yet: the enormous KM3NeT telescope, currently under development by a consortium of 40 institutions from ten European countries. Once completed KM3NeT will be the second-largest structure ever made by humans, after the Great Wall of China, and taller than the Burj Khalifa in Dubai… but submerged beneath 3,200 feet of ocean!
Read More »Signal for Higgs Particle Grows Weaker in Latest Data
By Geoff Brumfiel of Nature magazine The Higgs boson , the most sought-after particle in all of physics, is proving tougher to find than physicists had hoped. Last month, a flurry of "excess events" hinted that the Higgs could be popping up inside the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's most powerful particle accelerator located at CERN, Europe's high-energy physics lab near Geneva, Switzerland.
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