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Bad Smells Impair Learning

Performance usually improves with practice, but not if training is a rotten time. A new study shows that people’s ability to identify noises declines when the sounds are paired with putrid smells--a phenomenon that may allow our brain to detect danger more quickly

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Video: Arsenic in rice?

CBS News medical contributor Dr. Holly Phillips talks to Chris Wragge and Rebecca Jarvis about a new study of pregnant women that found that even half a cup of rice a day had levels of arsenic over the recommended limit

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Dreams Help Soothe Your Bad Memories

Sleep helps us consolidate our memories. Sleep also helps us learn. During REM sleep, which is the dreaming stage of sleep, the brain stops releasing stress chemicals

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Taking a vitamin may lead to debauchery

Taking supplements can give people a false sense of invulnerability -- and a stronger inclination to have causal sex, skip exercising and lounge in the sun, a new study shows.

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Why you forgot what you were just doing

Have you ever walked into a room and realized you don’t remember what you’re doing there? Yeah, us too. Well thankfully science finally explains why: It’s the doorway’s fault, a new study finds.

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Frequent snacking linked to healthier diet

People who munch on snacks between meals tend to have healthier diets than those who stick to eating only at regular mealtimes, a new study finds.

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