About three decades ago while working on producing a parenting show for the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), Masters discovered the research conducted by Dr. Howard Gardner from Harvard University. Though she already had a profound experience as she was reading it, ...
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Feed SubscriptionResearchers take first steps toward X-ray superfluorescence
(PhysOrg.com) -- While physicist Robert Dicke is probably most famous for his work on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) – and being "scooped" while attempting to be the first to detect it – he also performed important work in optics.
Read More »New Genetics Work Challenges Basic Ideas about Mental Illness
The search for the genetic roots of psychiatric illnesses and behavioral disorders such as schizophrenia, autism and ADHD has a long history, but until recently, it was one marked by frustration and skepticism. In the past few years, new techniques have begun to reveal strong evidence for the role of specific genes in some cases of these conditions but in a way few people expected. To understand what makes the new discoveries so novel, it’s necessary to appreciate how our genes can go wrong.
Read More »Archaeologists and Native Americans team up to interpret the past, shape the future
SACRAMENTO--Who owns the dead? In the U.S.
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