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Tag Archives: numbers

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Lessons Learned as FamiliesGo! Launches

What happens when parent-travel website FamiliesGo! goes live. I have officially launched FamiliesGo! We decided we would open the site to the public on a Friday, so we’d have the weekend to let Google AdSense, the advertising placement service we’re using, come online and “acclimate” its ads to our content before publicizing on Monday

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Red Hot Redbox Seeing 40 Rentals Per Second: Infographic

Only days after reporting $363.9 million in quarterly revenue and $79 million in operating income, up 34% and 99% year-over-year, respectively, DVD kiosk company Redbox has released some more impressive figures. With more than 27,000 kiosks spread across the country, the Coinstar-owned service is now seeing an average of 55 million monthly rentals and up to 40 rentals per second. That's a lot of movies circulating for a service that requires a trip to the local grocery store.

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Netflix Hits 25 Million Subscribers, $789 Million Revenue, Responds To Price Backlash

The numbers for Netflix's second quarter are in, and despite recent criticism, the company's not too far from hitting its mark. Subscriptions are up by 1.8 million, to more than 25 million global subscribers, an increase of 70% year-over-year, while global revenue hit $789 million, a 52% uptick from the same quarter last year--though slightly less than the $791 million analysts had expected

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Mapping The Clean-Tech Economy

What's up with all those green-collar jobs we keep being promised? A new report shows they aren't necessarily where you would think they'd be.

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Is the Oil and Gas Industry Getting a Bad Rap?

I’ve been researching the oil and gas industry lately. This industry has a negative stigma attached to it as being very environmentally insensitive. Granted, oil spills and gas leaks aren’t helping the industry’s image.

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