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Generation Flux: Baratunde Thurston

A look at Baratunde Thurston, the Director of Digital at The Onion, a Harvard philosophy major turned consultant turned standup comedian and author of How to Be Black. Flux to the core.

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Molecules to Medicine: Should pepper spray be put on (clinical) trial?

Pepper spray is all over the news, following the Occupy Wall Street protests, particularly following the widely disseminated images and videos of protestors being sprayed in NY, Portland, and UCDavis . Before that, I knew and occasionally used its main ingredient, capsaicin, as a treatment for my patients with shingles, an extremely painful Herpes zoster infection. And I knew about the many of the serious side effects of pepper spray, well-described by Deborah Blum .

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How Valid Are Health Concerns for the Occupy Wall Street Camps?

Watching the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators march by the offices of Scientific American yesterday got me thinking about health conditions at Zuccotti Park. New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg said that “ health and safety conditions became intolerable at the encampment, so he was forced to evict demonstrators and remove their tents and sleeping bags.

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Will The Real 99% Please Stand Up?

Occupy Wall Street is meant to be a leaderless movement. But that hasn't stopped some people from trying to identify leaders.

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The Real Role Of Anonymous In Occupy Wall Street

So far, the hacker collective known as Anonymous--or those claiming the name--has failed to live up to threats made via YouTube and social media. But they have brought a lot of buzz to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

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The ‘Last Place Aversion’ Paradox

If ever Americans were up for a bit of class warfare, now would seem to be the time. The current financial downturn has led to a $700 billion tax-payer-financed bank bailout and an unemployment rate stuck stubbornly above nine percent. Onto this scene has stepped the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, which seeks to bring together a disparate group of protesters united in their belief that the current income distribution is unfair.

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Start-ups Fund Wall St. Protest

They're protesting big banks and corporations, so which start-ups are Occupy Wall Street looking to for collecting donations and financing a new media endeavor?

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Start-ups Fund Wall St. Protest

They're protesting big banks and corporations, so which start-ups are Occupy Wall Street looking to for collecting donations and financing a new media endeavor? The Occupy Wall Street protesters who have been camping out in Lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park since September 17 may be rallying against big-bank policies, but they've simultaneously needed an efficient method to fund their own efforts.

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Start-ups Fund Wall St. Protest

They're protesting big banks and corporations, so which start-ups are Occupy Wall Street looking to for collecting donations and financing a new media endeavor? The Occupy Wall Street protesters who have been camping out in Lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park since September 17 may be rallying against big-bank policies, but they've simultaneously needed an efficient method to fund their own efforts. To that end, they've turned away from large companies, instead working with start-ups in the online-payment and crowdfunding space

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The Inside Story Of Occupy Wall Street

Frustration, doubt, chaos, and failures dominated the early days of Occupy Wall Street. So how has it lasted so long, grown, and spread around the country?

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