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Feed SubscriptionLearning The Softer Side Of Leadership
Leaders' primary objective is to empower others to make decisions and take actions that are aligned with the organization’s vision, purpose, and strategy.
Read More »3 Steps to Build Your Business Up by Tearing it Down
Sometimes the best way to keep your business growing is to analyze what would bring it to an end. Judge Smails (aka Ted Knight) once famously quipped in the iconic Caddyshack, "It's easy to grin when your ship comes in and you've got the stock market beat
Read More »Plantings of Biotech Crops Grew Globally in 2011
By Carey Gillam (Reuters) - The United States remained the primary backer of biotech crop technology in 2011, but adoption spread internationally as the total global planted area of genetically modified seeds grew 8 percent from a year ago, according to a report issued Tuesday. [More]
Read More »NASA satellite could reveal if primordial black holes are dark matter
( -- The primary objective of NASA’s Kepler satellite, which was launched in March 2009 to orbit the Sun, is to search for Earth-like planets in a portion of the Milky Way galaxy. But now a team of physicists has proposed that Kepler could have a second appealing purpose: to either detect or rule out primordial black holes (PBHs) of a certain mass range as the primary constituent of dark matter.
Read More »Computer simulations shed light on the physics of rainbows
( -- Computer scientists at UC San Diego, who set out to simulate all rainbows found in nature, wound up answering questions about the physics of rainbows as well. The scientists recreated a wide variety of rainbows – primary rainbows, secondary rainbows, redbows that form at sunset and cloudbows that form on foggy days – by using an improved method for simulating how light interacts with water drops of various shapes and sizes.
Read More »Could an Artificial Cave Help Protect Bats from Deadly Fungus?
The deadly fungal infection known as white-nose syndrome (WNS) has killed at least a million bats since it was first observed in 2006. In some areas more than 90 percent of the bats have been wiped out.
Read More »Wireless Services Increasingly Strained as Mobile Explodes
A new report warns that the exploding usage of radio waves by broadband-devouring smartphones and video threatens to deplete a finite wireless spectrum . “If you look at traffic patterns over the past five years, we went from things like illegal music downloads, to legal music downloads, to video,” said technology adviser and report author Michael Kleeman at University of California San Diego
Read More »Where Will Our Energy Come from in 2030?
It may seem slightly ridiculous to consider the prospects for a future solar-hydrogen economy at an institute for theoretical physics at the University of Waterloo in Canada. After all, Canada is the capital of unconventional oil , also known as oil sands, also known as tar sands, which supply more than a million barrels of oil per day to the U.S. And the primary use of today's existing hydrogen economy--a $200 billion a year proposition--is adding the energetic molecule to such unconventional oils to make them more palatable to the global energy infrastructure.
Read More »7 Steps to a Culture of Innovation
Hyper-growth companies often credit a culture of innovation as their primary driver of success. They deploy creative thinking to attack problems big and small
Read More »Giving up on the "ghost cat": Eastern cougar subspecies declared extinct
Last verifiably seen in 1938, when the final "ghost cat" was shot and killed in Maine, the eastern cougar ( Puma concolor couguar ) has now been declared extinct by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
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