Once upon a time, you simply handed over the contents of your file cabinets to the lawyers. In the digital age, the task is much more complicated--and expensive. Imagine your business is being sued
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Feed SubscriptionVideo: Researchers find clues to aging process
Researchers have found what may be the clue to the aging within mice, which may in turn hold the secret to slowing down the process in humans.
Read More »Start Your Business in One Day
How can the U.S. ease the process of starting a business
Read More »7 Ways To Build A Brand From Scratch, Inspired By "Playground Sessions"
Playground Sessions is a new music learning system from BBH unit Zag. But its biggest lesson may be in how agencies are approaching new product development. Used to be the best an agency could do is build a rep as a stellar service provider
Read More »Pathogen Genomics Has Become Dirt Cheap
“The human genome was sequenced, and in the process of moving that forward the technology that was developed was incredible. And because of their efforts in the human genome, that technology is available to folks like us.” Northern Arizona University’s Paul Keim at the ScienceWriters2011 conference. The ability to compare genomes is a powerful tool for identifying the origins of a natural disease outbreak or bioterrorism
Read More »Video: Mammograms: Sorting through confusing advice
New research shows getting called back for false positives on a mammogram is part of the process. "Early Show" medical correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton explains why this is happening
Read More »Samsung researchers announce breakthrough in growing gallium nitride LEDs on glass
(PhysOrg.com) -- Everyone knows that the LED market is huge, it’s among other things, the technology behind our big screen TVs. That’s why so many companies are investing so much money in trying to find ways to improve on it so that as our TVs get bigger, they won’t grow out of the average consumer’s price range. Now, Samsung, the Korean technology giant, has announced that one of its research teams has figured out a way to grow crystalline gallium nitride (GaN) LEDs on regular glass.
Read More »Samsung researchers announce breakthrough in growing gallium nitride LEDs on glass
(PhysOrg.com) -- Everyone knows that the LED market is huge, it’s among other things, the technology behind our big screen TVs. That’s why so many companies are investing so much money in trying to find ways to improve on it so that as our TVs get bigger, they won’t grow out of the average consumer’s price range. Now, Samsung, the Korean technology giant, has announced that one of its research teams has figured out a way to grow crystalline gallium nitride (GaN) LEDs on regular glass
Read More »Geothermal Power Plants Could Help Produce Lithium for Electric Cars
An industrial add-on to geothermal power plants near the Salton Sea in California could one day produce the lithium that is required for electric car batteries . Already, Simbol Materials , the company behind the process, has begun purifying lithium from conventional mining operations in Argentina, Chile and elsewhere for the global battery market at a demonstration facility in Brawley, Calif.
Read More »Unexpected role of noise in spine formation
The development of periodic structures in embryos giving rise to the formation of, e.g., spine segments, is controlled not by genes but by simple physical and chemical phenomena.
Read More »Bally Revisits Its Roots
While visiting Paris in 1851, a Swiss ribbon salesman named Carl Franz Bally picked up a dozen pairs of ready-made shoes as a gift for his wife. When only two actually fit, she insisted he return to France for more. Instead, Bally began the process of converting his Sch
Read More »Hassle Maps: The Genesis Of Demand
"I had a big late fee for Apollo 13. It was six weeks late, and I owed the video store $40. I had misplaced the cassette.
Read More »How Dark Matter Messes with Our Galaxy [Video]
This video shows the spiral shape of our galaxy and two of its small satellite galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (to the left). The satellites orbit the main galaxy and, in the process, trigger slow-motion waves in it. On a human time scale, those waves look like a static warp in the galactic outskirts
Read More »Understanding the interplay of grains helps cars drop the pounds, be more fuel efficient
Sometimes solving the biggest challenges begins with understanding something very small -- like the tiny grains that form a piece of metal. For a team of scientists who wanted to improve automotive fuel efficiency, understanding and controlling the size of the grains in aluminum allowed the design of an easy and inexpensive method for producing lightweight automotive parts, replacing heavier steel, leading to improved fuel efficiency
Read More »More organ seekers turning to Web to find them
Average five-to-ten year wait for organs prompting patients so try to hasten the process via the Internet
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