At the beginning of 2011, Fast Company set out to spend a year in China, documenting the transition, transformation, and innovation in that country.
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Feed Subscription7 Steps to Incredible Personal Productivity
Practical advice to turn an average workday into an incredibly productive day. Occasionally you need to go the extra mile .
Read More »Physicist creates scale model of LHC ATLAS experiment of out LEGO blocks
( -- The Large Hadron Collider at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland has generated a lot of news of late, e.g. the announcement that a team had found what it believes to be a particle that traveled faster than he speed of light, an actual new particle, and of course the seemingly never-ending storyline associated with the hopeful discovery of the elusive Higgs Boson, now a physicist not associated with the project, has built a scale model replica of the ATLAS experiment; a particle detector that will likely serve as ground zero should the so-called “god particle” ever be observed.
Read More »Bone-Rattling Sound: New Speakers That Are Made From Bone
Bones have amazing electrical conductivity properties and, as one artist recently found out, can vibrate at the right frequencies to make a lovely macabre speaker set. Turned on its head, bone's response to physical stress can be used to produce music---or at least musical tones. That's what artist Boo Chapple discovered during the course of a year-long collaboration at the University of Western Australia's SymbioticA lab , the only research facility in the world devoted to providing access to wet labs to artists and artistically minded researchers.When Chapple began this project, she knew that extensive scientific literature suggested bone had what are known as piezoelectric properties
Read More »Redesigning Your Website in 2012?
Web visitors dont want to hunt around your site to find what they need. Dont make them.
Read More »How to Become an Agent for Change
Few leaders know how to manage change at their company. Learn how to become one of the few
Read More »Getting Customers to Pay — No Matter Where They Are
I was in the back of my Mitsubishi truck, in Dubai, when it hit me: We might never get paid for this job. Here's what I should have done differently
Read More »Beyond SOPA: Rep. Darrell Issa’s Big Plans For Digitizing Democracy
Over the past six months, Issa's launched an interactive subcommittee livestream, produced a new form of online polling, and sponsored a bill to make government spending trackable. Engineer and congressional Republican firebrand Darrell Issa is leveraging his supporters' collective outrage against a contentious anti-piracy bill , SOPA, to showcase his new experimental crowdsourcing legislative platform.
Read More »You Don’t Need An Army When You Have Seal Team 6
When I started VIA in 1993, my mother sent me a card with the famous quote from Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” I believed it then, but now I know it to be the truth
Read More »"The People’s Skype" And Occupy Wall Street Hackathons
Academics and researchers sympathetic to the #Occupy movement have created a "People's Skype" and participated in a multinational hackathon that took advantage of a massive social media archive. Months after the first protesters arrived in Zuccotti Park, Occupy Wall Street continues to fuel tech innovation
Read More »Leadership Hall of Fame: Seth Godin, Author of "Purple Cow"
We continue our examination of the business book Purple Cow with an interview of author Seth Godin. What companies are using a purple cow strategy now, and how is Seth trying to change book publishing?
Read More »Lessons About Guerilla Filmmaking–And Life–From A Feature-Length Music Video
Jacob Krupnick's feature-length, Girl Talk-scored music video, "Girl Walk // All Day," debuted yesterday. Today, Krupnick walks us through making a mega dance spectacle while all of New York goes about its business around you. When a video of an ebullient dancing girl in a funky jacket hit the Internet last January, it immediately struck a nerve.
Read More »Can’t Hire? Rent a College Student
Students need work, and real on-the-job skills. That's just your luck. This start-up hopes to help you find the right matches for your task, and your price
Read More »Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson Promotes New Headphones By Way Of Sean Parker
Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson is in a mixing room in Lower Manhattan--but instead of hawking headphones like he's scheduled to do, the Jamaica, Queens-bred rapper is hinting about investing in Spotify and all sorts of other Silicon Valley startups. Looks like G-Unit's getting a VC division. Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson should be hawking headphones.
Read More »At $24,263.18, The Cost Of Christmas Is Up 3.5 Percent This Year
The annual PNC Christmas Price Index is a giant, interactive infographic on the price tag for The 12 Days of Christmas. The 12 Days of Christmas is the granddaddy of holiday memes. For centuries, the seasonally inclined have sung of that elaborate parade of presents that includes various fowl, prancing performers and, of course, five golden rings.
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