By Nina Chestney LONDON (Reuters) - The world is close to reaching tipping points that will make it irreversibly hotter, making this decade critical in efforts to contain global warming, scientists warned on Monday. Scientific estimates differ but the world's temperature looks set to rise by six degrees Celsius by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions are allowed to rise uncontrollably. As emissions grow, scientists say the world is close to reaching thresholds beyond which the effects on the global climate will be irreversible, such as the melting of polar ice sheets and loss of rainforests
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Feed SubscriptionSatellites Expose 8,000 Years of Lost Civilization
By Virginia Gewin of Nature magazine Hidden in the landscape of the fertile crescent of the Middle East, scientists say, lurk overlooked networks of small settlements that hold vital clues to ancient civilizations. Beyond the impressive mounds of earth, known as tells in Arabic, that mark lost cities, researchers have found a way to give archaeologists a broader perspective of the ancient landscape.
Read More »Satellites Expose 8,000 Years of Lost Civilization
By Virginia Gewin of Nature magazine Hidden in the landscape of the fertile crescent of the Middle East, scientists say, lurk overlooked networks of small settlements that hold vital clues to ancient civilizations.
Read More »Newfound Alien Planet Is Best Candidate Yet to Support Life, Scientists Say
A potentially habitable alien planet -- one that scientists say is the best candidate yet to harbor water, and possibly even life, on its surface -- has been found around a nearby star. [More]
Read More »Newfound Alien Planet Is Best Candidate Yet to Support Life, Scientists Say
A potentially habitable alien planet -- one that scientists say is the best candidate yet to harbor water, and possibly even life, on its surface -- has been found around a nearby star. [More]
Read More »Cross-species transplantation brings new hope to diabetics
South Korean scientists say there is new hope for diabetics with experiments in animals demonstrating that insulin producing cells can be successfully transplanted from one species to another. The researchers attribute the success of the experime..
Read More »Can Science Halt Hurricanes?
As another active hurricane season in the Atlantic winds down, some atmospheric scientists say they have the tools to stop or slow the powerful storms. Their efforts, however, are hampered by a lack of funding and tricky legal issues. Until recently, the U.S.
Read More »Bright lights, small systems: Molecular differentiation using free-electron lasers
( -- Double-core-hole (DCH) states – in which two electrons are ejected from their positions, creating vacancies – occurring at different atomic sites are very sensitive to the chemical environment of the two holes.
Read More »Peanut allergy cure found? What study shows
Technique that "tricks" immune system could eliminate potentially deadly allergies to peanuts and other foods, scientists say
Read More »Asthma tied to moms’ exposure to magnetic fields
Fields given off by power lines and household appliances may cause immune system changes that lead to asthma, scientists say
Read More »Eye test for Alzheimer’s could revolutionize diagnosis: How does it work?
Australian scientists say test spots tell-tale changes in retinal blood vessels
Read More »Gulf Oil-Spill Aftermath Hampers Rig Research
By Melissa Gaskill of nature magazine More than a year after the Deepwater Horizon disaster gushed oil into the Gulf of Mexico, scientists say that they have been struggling to gain access to the region's rigs and drill ships, hampering their research.
Read More »Heat wave highlights threat of heat-related illness: How to stay safe
Heat-related illness may become common, as scientists say global warming will bring permanent increases in summer temperatures
Read More »Parkinson’s-melanoma link discovered: What’s best defense?
Melanoma far more common in people suffering from Parkinson's disease, scientists say
Read More »National Day of Prayer spotlights prayer’s healing power
Praying or even taking repeated prayer-like pauses can bring big health benefits, scientists say
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