By Edward McAllister NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York's environmental body on Wednesday extended a public comment period on proposed rules for natural gas drilling in the state, frustrating companies eager to exploit its rich natural gas deposits. [More]
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Feed SubscriptionNew York Extends Comment Period on Fracking
By Edward McAllister NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York's environmental body on Wednesday extended a public comment period on proposed rules for natural gas drilling in the state, frustrating companies eager to exploit its rich natural gas deposits. [More]
Read More »Cigarette tax shocker: 15 states with tiny tobacco tariffs
Some states tack on heavy tax to deter smoking, but others not so much.
Read More »WikiLeaks And The Tech Industry
The latest batch of leaked State Department cables from WikiLeaks reveals the U.S. government's deep interest in how tech giants like Apple and Oracle perform overseas.
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Help University of Arizona researchers track rainfall throughout the state [More]
Read More »How Saving Energy Means Conserving Water in U.S. West
California likes to think of itself as being ahead of the curve. So when the state set out to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, regulators did all the right things - stringent tailpipe standards for cars, tighter codes for buildings, higher renewable energy standards for utilities. Then they took one of the most aggressive energy-saving steps of all.
Read More »Donut burger serves up 1,500 calories
Crazy creation from New York State Fair delivers two meals for price of one - and two meals' worth of calories
Read More »The Top 10 Marketing Sites For Social Media Marketing Trends
Recently, the Pivot Conference team set out to learn more about the state of social advertising and the future ahead by conducting an industry survey of 230 brand managers, executives, and marketing professionals. We will release the full report during the week of July 25th. Not all of the insights we learned will make it into the final report
Read More »Toxic 20: States with deadliest air
Power plant pollution is contaminating the nation's air - how toxic is your state?
Read More »Deselection of the Bottom 8%: Lessons from Eugenics for Modern School Reform
We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, to prevent our being swamped with incompetence.
Read More »Iowa State physicist to test next-generation neutrino detector for major experiment
Hundreds of physicists from around the world are making plans to shoot the world's most intense beam of neutrinos from Illinois, underground through Iowa, all the way to a former gold mine in South Dakota. And Iowa State University's Mayly Sanchez is part of the research team.
Read More »Scientists model physics of a key dark-energy probe
Ohio State University researchers are leveraging powerful supercomputers to investigate one of the key observational probes of "dark energy," the mysterious energy form that is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate over time.
Read More »New York seeks to lift fracking moratorium: report
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York state Governor Andrew Cuomo is expected to lift a moratorium on the controversial natural gas extraction technique known as hydraulic fracturing, The New York Times reported on Thursday. Such a move could open the state to a gas drilling boom similar to what is happening in neighboring Pennsylvania, and it would certainly raise opposition from environmentalists who believe "fracking" or "hydrofracking" pollutes drinking water.
Read More »Putting the Quality in Q&A
While working at Facebook in 2009, Adam D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever had a question: Why isn't there a place on the Internet where a question can be answered by someone who actually knows the answer? That question led the pair to start Quora , a Q&A website that allows users to share knowledge. You can pose a question, answer a question, and edit others' answers
Read More »Astronomers reach for the stars to discover new cancer therapy
Astronomers’ research on celestial bodies may have an impact on the human body. Ohio State University astronomers are working with medical physicists and radiation oncologists to develop a potential new radiation treatment – one that is intended to be tougher on tumors, but gentler on healthy tissue.
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