(PhysOrg.com) -- Physicists working at Fermilab, the premier particle physics lab in the United States, have been asked to rework their plans for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) in light of current and expected budget cuts.
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Feed SubscriptionThe world’s smallest steam engine measures a few micrometers
What would be a case for the repair shop for a car engine is completely normal for a micro engine. If it sputters, this is caused by the thermal motions of the smallest particles, which interfere with its running
Read More »Special relativity may answer faster-than-light neutrino mystery
Oh, yeah. Moving faster than the speed of light has been the hot topic in the news and OPERA has been the key player
Read More »Watching electrons in molecules
(PhysOrg.com) -- A research group led by ETH Zurich has now, for the first time, visualized the motion of electrons during a chemical reaction. The new findings in the experiment are of fundamental importance for photochemistry and could also assist the design of more efficient solar cells.
Read More »Gee Whizzz! Basics on faster-than-light research
Some questions and answers about the experiment that appeared to show particles speeding faster than light.
Read More »World record: The strongest magnetic fields created
On June 22, 2011, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf set a new world record for magnetic fields with 91.4 teslas. To reach this record, Sergei Zherlitsyn and his colleagues at the High Magnetic Field Laboratory Dresden (HLD) developed a coil weighing about 200 kilograms in which electric current create the giant magnetic field – for a period of a few milliseconds
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