Active optical fibers with silicon photonic chips can carry a lot more information for data interconnect than copper cables. Silicon photonics can also be the material of choice for wiring 'lab-on-a-chip' devices — however, the construction of such devices is not without its challenges.
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Feed SubscriptionResearchers study why metals fail
( -- The eventual failure of metals, such as the aluminum in ships and airplanes, can often be blamed on breaks, or voids, in the material's atomic lattice. They're at first invisible, only microns in size, but once enough of them link up, the metal eventually splits apart.
Read More »Unexpected magnetic excitations in doped insulator surprise researchers
When doping a disordered magnetic insulator material with atoms of a nonmagnetic material, the conventional wisdom is that the magnetic interactions between the magnetic ions in the material will be weakened.
Read More »Researchers discover material with graphene-like properties
After the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to two scientists in 2010 who had studied the material graphene, this substance has received a lot of attention.
Read More »Locating the elusive: Scientists observe how material at room temperature exhibits ‘multiferroic’ properties
German researchers at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) in close collaboration with colleagues in France and UK, have engineered a material that exhibits a rare and versatile trait in magnetism at room temperature. It's called a "multiferroic," and it means that the material has properties allowing it to be both electrically charged (ferroelectric) and also the ability to be magnetic (ferromagnetic), with its magnetisation controlled by electricity.
Read More »Buildings And Vehicles That Pulse With "Blood"
How would you feel if parts of your home, your car, or the airliner you were flying in had blood flowing in artificial veins and arteries? Nicely chilled is the answer
Read More »Discovery in parent of one high-temperature superconductor may lead to predictive control
A team of scientists studying the parent compound of a cuprate (copper-oxide) superconductor has discovered a link between two different states, or phases, of that matter - and written a mathematical theory to describe the relationship.
Read More »Rare earths ‘replaced’ by silicon chip
Rare earths are an expensive and necessary component of strong permanent magnets.
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