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Feed Subscription‘Faster-than-light’ particles fade after cross-check
Neutrinos do not go faster than light, according to fresh measurements of a test last year that had suggested the particles broke the Universe's speed limit, CERN said on Friday.
Read More »Physics group corrals record number of neutrons into one place
( -- Neutrons, the particles that along with protons, exist in the nuclei of atoms (except for hydrogen) have been intensely studied ever since their discovery in the 1930’s. And while many interesting developments have occurred as a result (fission reactions, etc) physicists have continued to be frustrated in their attempts to get a closer look at them, due to their not having an electric charge which could be used to hold them in place.
Read More »Flowing structures in soft crystals
What is common to blood, ink and gruel? They are all liquids in which tiny particles are suspended – so called “colloids”
Read More »New tool for proton spin
How the particles that constitute a proton give rise to is to its rotation, or ‘spin’, is an intriguing open question of contemporary particle physics. A technique that could provide some answers has been developed using the world’s only polarized proton–proton collider. The work was published by the PHENIX Collaboration, which includes researchers from the RIKEN Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Research Center in Upton, USA.
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