When we meet new people, we assess their character by watching their gestures and facial expressions. Now a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA suggests that those nonverbal cues are communicating the presence of a specific form of a gene that makes us more or less responsive to others’ needs. [More]
Read More »Tag Archives: the-presence
Feed SubscriptionResolving controversy at the water’s edge
Water (H2O) has a simple composition, but its dizzyingly interconnected hydrogen-bonded networks make structural characterizations challenging. In particular, the organization of water surfaces—a region critical to processes in cell biology and atmospheric chemistry—has caused profound disagreements among scientists
Read More »New knowledge about ‘flawed’ diamonds could speed the development of diamond-based quantum computers
A University at Buffalo-led research team has established the presence of a dynamic Jahn-Teller effect in defective diamonds, a finding that will help advance the development of diamond-based systems in applications such as quantum information processing.
Read More »Current flowing along the edges of a promising quantum device is insensitive to its magnetic impurities
Conductors of electrical current, including copper, heat up and limit the ability to increase circuit densities. Unusual materials that exhibit the so-called ‘quantum spin Hall effect’, in which current can flow without dissipating heat, could provide an alternative to conventional metals.
Read More »Amateur Planet Hunters Find Exoplanets
Out in space, NASA's Kepler mission keeps watch on more than 150,000 stars. Its job is to see if those stars dim ever so slightly--because of the presence of an orbiting planet. Kepler has already found more than 20 distant worlds that way
Read More »Advanced electron microscope sheds light on metal embrittlement
Why does a solid metal that is engineered for ductility become brittle, often suddenly and with dramatic consequences, in the presence of certain liquid metal impurities?
Read More »Algal Neurotoxins Found in Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals
More than 30 years after 50 critically endangered Hawaiian monk seals ( Monachus schauinslandi ) died of suspected algal toxic poisoning, the presence of ciguatoxins in living seals has finally been confirmed through a new, noninvasive test.
Read More »Antimatter gravity could explain Universe’s expansion
(PhysOrg.com) -- In 1998, scientists discovered that the Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. Currently, the most widely accepted explanation for this observation is the presence of an unidentified dark energy, although several other possibilities have been proposed. One of these alternatives is that some kind of repulsive gravity – or antigravity – is pushing the Universe apart
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