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Sister Act

Sisters Sabina and Lorraine Belkin get on sickeningly well: They live together, have the same friends, even go to the gym together. They also co-own Duo Restaurant & Lounge, New York City eatery. How do they keep their relationship healthy while working together in a notoriously stressful industry

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Making the Most of an Incubator

Incubators like Y Combinator and DreamIt Ventures are helping young companies get their start. Here's how to make the most of your time at an incubator. Mark Wachen sits in the Manhattan outpost of DreamIt Ventures, the Philadelphia-based start-up incubator.

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Rags2Riches Empowers Impoverished Women To Turn Recycled Scrap Into Haute Couture

Sick of being paid tiny wages to make crafts, Reese Fernandez-Ruiz started an organization to get famous designers to give her work cachet, and started helping get local craftswomen out of poverty. Reese Fernandez-Ruiz was teaching children math, science, and reading skills in Payatas--one of the Philippines' biggest dump sites--when she noticed something: local mothers were making foot rugs out of scrap cloth that was furnished to them by a group of middlemen, who got the cloth directly from a factory and retrieved the finished products to sell

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7 Financial Mistakes to Avoid

Running a business should earn you an honorary degree given all you will learn, says Brian Hamilton, the co-founder and CEO of Sageworks. We live and we learn

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6 Reasons to Stay Small

Author John Warrillow proposes an alternative to setting your sights on building a $200 million business: Focus on building a $2 million company instead. The generally-accepted dogma among entrepreneurs is "bigger is beautiful." You're nothing until you have some brand name investors on your board and 50 employees at your command.

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Secrets To A Successful Fake Twitter Character

With a quarter of a million followers between them, the men and women behind a few of the better faux accounts show us how to create and maintain successful, character-driven Twitter feeds. All kinds of quippy characters populate my Twitter feed. There are the "newsies" intent on dishing out the latest info nuggets, the "media-obsessives" grappling with the state of our industry, those snark-laced counter-punchers I'll call "quipsters," and the "newbies" who, with only a handful of followers, are just beginning to find their way.

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The Material Genome Initiative Puts High-Tech Development On The Fast Track

It can take years for a new engineering feat to go from concept to commercialization. The rechargeable batteries in your phone took 20 years to develop. So the federal government is launching a project to speed up invention and hopefully save U.S

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Can Innovation Be Learned?

Or are truly creative people born with something special? Clayton Christensen discusses his latest book, The Innovator's DNA, which analyzes the traits of CEOs who have disrupted their industries

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Why You Should Avoid the C-Word

If you want to build a valuable companyone someone will buy down the roadconsider re-positioning your company out of the "consultancy" box. A lot of businesses start off providing a service and then fall into the trap of using the buzzwords of the consulting world. The problem is, consultancies are not usually valuable businesses because acquirers generally view them as a collection of people who peddle their time on a hamster wheel.

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