Lots of studies suggest limited quantities of alcohol--like one drink a day--can benefit your cardiovascular health.
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Feed SubscriptionClock Ticks for Phobos-Grunt Mars Mission
On November 8th, Russia launched a probe toward the tiny Martian moon Phobos. The launch was picture-perfect, and the spacecraft, called Phobos–Grunt, soared into the night sky over Kazakhstan. [More]
Read More »The bed bug blues
Infestations are up across the country; Find out why the tiny biters' worst enemy is Man's Best Friend!
Read More »Viewing the ultra-fast at SSRL: First pump-probe experiments under way
(PhysOrg.com) -- X-rays have been used for more than a century to expose the invisible in many of its forms. When a family doctor studies an X-ray of a broken leg or an agent scans a carry-on bag at an airport security gate, hard X-rays, with their ability to penetrate beyond the surface of a material, reveal hidden objects.
Read More »Improving DNA sequencing: Sponge-like biosensor crams enormous power into tiny space
Vanderbilt University engineers have created a "spongy" silicon biosensor that shows promise not only for medical diagnostics, but also for the detection of dangerous toxins and other tiny molecules in the environment. This innovation was originally designed to detect the presence of particular DNA sequences, which can be extremely helpful in identifying whether or not a person is predisposed to heart disease or certain kinds of cancer. The new sensor is described in the Optical Society's open access journal, Optics Express.
Read More »Human Brains Are Optimally Tuned for the Visual Hunt
Why is it that most of us are able to track down the tiny sketch of a be-spectacled cartoon man wearing a striped shirt and a funny hat--in the midst of a busy scene filled with distractions and look-alikes? [More]
Read More »New theory proposed to explain Pioneer probe gravitational anomaly
(PhysOrg.com) -- Portuguese physicists might have finally solved the decades old mystery of why the Pioneer probes, launched in the early 70’s, haven’t been decelerating from the Sun’s gravitational pull at the rate expected; it seems it might be something as mundane as adding in the tiny forces that occur when minute traces of heat from the plutonium on board the probes bounce off their receiving dishes, creating a counterforce, which in turn, causes the craft to slow; if ever so slightly.
Read More »German hotel for honeymooners now 5-star
Couples who spend their wedding night at the tiny Eh'haeusl in Amberg will live happily ever after and never get divorced — at least according to an old legend told by the locals of this medieval town in Bavaria.
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