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Author Archives: Philippe Matthews

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Philippe Cousteau Jr. Is In It For Love And Money

Rather than fundraise, a famous philanthropist plays the market. Cousteau's newest adventure won't require such a puffy jacket. | Courtesy of CNN For the past few years, Philippe Cousteau Jr

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Faster diagnostics through cheap, ultra-portable blood testing

Blood tests are important diagnostic tools. They accurately tease-out vanishingly small concentrations of proteins and other molecules that help give a picture of overall health or signal the presence of specific diseases

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Korean researchers making progress on 3D OLED screens

(PhysOrg.com) -- With the recent rise in popularity of 3D movies at the theater, consumers quite naturally have begun to wonder about what’s being done to bring such technology to their smartphones and better yet, the big flat screen TVs in their living rooms. As it stands now, most viewers that wish to watch 3D movies, whether at home or the theater, must wear some type of 3D eyeglasses. This is unfortunate, because most would prefer to watch without having to don the goofy looking accessories.

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