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Author Archives: Philippe Matthews

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Can The Simple Flywheel Replace The High-Tech Electric Battery?

It's an old technology for storing energy that's finally getting an update, and it's appearing everywhere from power plants to Formula One race cars, and will soon be hiding in your wheels, helping save you fuel. It's a not a new battery or super-hot liquid salt .

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Avoiding Bad Body Language

Whether youre presenting to investors, customers, or employees, communications expert Bill Rosenthal says you should be sure to avoid these gestures, expressions, postures, and eye movements. Never look away from your audience. In the outside world you may multitask and look at your Blackberry while ordering a latte, but never lose eye contact with those who have come to hear you speak.

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How Market-Driven Health Insurance Exchanges Can Be Successful

Without effective public health insurance exchanges, we will miss the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a solution to the problem of providing affordable health care coverage to all Americans. Here, the President and CEO of Extend Health on how it can be done. The government's Affordable Care Act aims to make health insurance more accessible and affordable to millions of individual Americans and employees of small businesses

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