Listen LIVE to My Exclusive Interview with
Dr. John F. Demartini!
At the age of seven, Dr. John F. Demartini was told he had a learning disability and would never read, write or communicate normally. At fourteen, he dropped out of school, left his Texas home and headed for the California coast. Little did he know he was destined to become a Law of Attraction guru!
By seventeen, he had ended up in Hawaii, surfing the waves of Oahu’s famous North Shore where he almost died from strychnine poisoning. His road to recovery led him to Dr. Paul Bragg, the ninety-three year old man who would change his life forever by instructing him to repeat one simple affirmation every day: “I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.”
Today, he lectures, teaches and consults internationally with a mission to inspire wisdom, fulfillment, leadership and healing in individuals who desire to achieve their full potential. His personal and professional development seminars and programs explore diverse topics ranging from the arts and sciences, human potential technologies to the world religions and philosophies. His life’s work is the study and exploration of over 200 different disciplines in pursuit of what he calls Universal Principles of Life.
Founder of The Concourse of Wisdom and creator of The Quantum Collapse Process®, Dr. Demartini’s understanding of the power of love is reshaping psychology as we know it. His revolutionary personal transformation methodologies help tens of thousands of individuals find greater order within their lives by enabling them to live with greater clarity, certainty and presence. Dr. Demartini’s books and programs, including The Breakthrough Experience, Count Your Blessings, You’re Never Given a Problem You Can’t Solve, Building Wealth F.A.S.T., Purpose – Life’s Driving Force and The Principles and Methods of Self-Actualization continue to inspire thousands more.
Dr. Demartini’s latest book, How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still Get to Heaven has swept the country and has taken Australia by storm. In this content-rich interview, Dr. John F. Demartini shares some of the most effective techniques of building wealth I have come across.
Philippe Matthews
How to make one hell of a profit and still get to heaven. Why this title?
Dr. Demartini
“I was in New York about seven or eight years ago, sitting in a restaurant on Madison Avenue and that title popped into my head. I had desired to write a book with that title for quite a while and didn’t get around to doing it until this last year. But it had been sitting there daggling in my brain for all that time and finally I got down to writing it.”
Philippe Matthews
What is heaven and what is hell? You say they are states of mind and not states of places.
Dr. Demartini
“Throughout the ages, man has referred to or had a desire for a pleasurable place and the desire to avoid a painful place in our minds and in our life. that has been conceptually evolved in the brain and if I were to define heaven as I do in the book, I would define it as a place where we are grateful and feel satiated and full and we are appreciative of our existence. That could be perceived as something in this existence and this life or we can perceive it occurring in the after-life but that is something we can’t demonstrate so I think it is best defined as a state of fulfillment and gratitude and appreciation for what is as it is. Hell is obviously the opposite in the sense that we are ungrateful and it’s not stratifying and we have a desire for something that is unattained.”
Philippe Matthews
What is the overall message you want to convey in this book?
Dr. Demartini
“The main thing that started it and drove the book was that so many people as I travel the world and share my work, many people have an internal conflict and sometimes internal dialogue possibly from religious instruction, from social instruction that creates a conflict between them receiving and giving. Receiving wealth and feeling deserving of it and putting a value on building affluence and wealth in their life. This conflict I have seen over and over again and it is my attempt to try and assist people to get past and through that initiation and conflict to help them receive what they really desire in their heart and what they feel they are here for and deserve to have.”
Philippe Matthews
You say that the universe is nothing more than light many different frequencies and so are we. Explain.
Dr. Demartini
“When we break our body down, and reduce it down to its systems, organs, tissues, cells, organelles – down to the molecules, atoms and down into the subatomic particles, all of the atoms and subatomic particles make up protons, electrons, neutrons and ultimately, those are broken down into components of light. In fact, every atom has a signature frequency of light which is actually just a vibration of light. When we break it down we realize that our body is literally frozen, liquid or congealed light. We are literally a vibrational system of light that is now demonstrating a reception and broadcasting, like radio receiver, to other human beings and other life. We are literally tuning systems so our consciousness is like a tuning device and we can attune to more grateful states when we have a balanced perspective and tune to more ungrateful states when we have an imbalanced perspective. When we bring order to our financial life, we are grateful and when we have chaos in our financial life we are ungrateful which are heaven and hell.” To the degree that we manage money wisely we receive more money to manage and it’s not how much we receive its how we manage what we receive that determines our financial affluence.” Philippe Matthews The concept of heaven/hell is really a lopsided perception being too far to the left and too far to the right?
Dr. Demartini
“When we have a poised and balanced state of consciousness, we see order around us and we have no desire to change what our existence is and we are grateful.”
Philippe Matthews
When spirit (cause) and matter (effect) come equally and fully together in your consciousness, heaven is born. Elaborate.
Dr. Demartini
“Our desires and realities are one. The things that we are seeking we realize are not missing and they are present. Many times the things we seek are actually present around us but are in a form we are not recognizing and the hexarchy of our values are determining the form. Because we sometimes we infatuate with other authority figures, we attempt to inject their values into our life and live them and therefore because of it we can’t see that the things we actually desire from our own values are actually there but we can’t see them because we are trying to live someone else’s.”
Philippe Matthews
Wow! So nothing is really missing?
Dr. Demartini
“Nothing is really missing; it’s just in another form. The book is not only a strategy on how to build wealth but it also has a psychology to help you realize you are already abundantly living.”
Philippe Matthews
You say it is important to pay yourself first – why?
Dr. Demartini
“We have a temple within and we have temples without – the one within and the many without. It is wise to not exclude our spiritual temple within as we have the spiritual temples without. It is wise to invest in both. If we are going to do a tithe, it is best to do both simultaneously. If we are going to tithe to the outer world it’s also wise to tithe to that temple within. That’s inclusive of the same temple. What many people do is forsake themselves for others which was originally, when I traced back the history from that; a marketing ploy by religious institutionalism more so than a necessity for human consciousness. I think there is wisdom in having fair exchange. My whole book is based on the idea of fair exchange.”
Philippe Matthews
Talk to me about the dynamic of fair exchange.
Dr. Demartini
“If you have ever been in a situation where you have owed someone money and when you do you have the anxiety and fear of having to come up with the money and pay it over time. You also have the guilt that if you don’t what are the repercussions. If someone owes you money, you have the fear of whether they pay it or not and you have the guilt that you put yourself in the situation. Fear is a future imagined emotion and guilt is a past remembered emotion and neither of them are centered in presence. A spiritual state occurs in a state of presence so anytime we owe somebody or they owe us something, we’re actually coming out of the state of presence which is a spiritual state, and entering into an emotionally-based or grounding state that weighs us down and we are not able to have what is called fair and even exchange. When you do a service and they pay you on the spot, it’s clean, it’s done and you are both freed and liberated by that moment and feel you’ve got a fair exchange. Anytime you do the other; the purpose of adding interest on either side was to attempt to maintain presence when there has been an exchange that is not in time. When you owe someone, you add interest to compensate for not being present and compensating for all of those emotions. The purpose of having fair exchange was to maintain, presence, clarity, cleanness, and not have to burden the mind by unexpressed or incomplete transactions.”
Listen to my live radio interview with Dr. John F. Demartini now!

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