Extinction Protocol – The African American Male and the Man-Not
Extinction Protocol – The African American Male and the Man-Not, deals with misandry, which by definition, refers to the hatred or, prejudice against, and contempt of men or boys. Extinction Protocol, deals with the racism of misandry and opens an opportunity to discuss in-depth racist misandry and its prevalence in society.
With heavyweights sharing the screen with him, Philippe SHOCK Matthews discussion and exchange of ideas stem from years of study backed by evidence and not just mere opinions and personal ideas.
Extinction Protocol – The African American Male and the Man-Not
In this special episode of the Philippe Matthews Show, Matthews is joined by Dr. Tommy Curry, Dr. David Imhotep, Kaba Hiawatha Kamene, and Dr. William A. Smith.
Given these heavyweights as guests, it is not a surprise that the topics of discussion are deeply intriguing and thought-provoking. The satellite show discussed – the effects of Mentacide with Boobie Wright, corrective history vs. episodic history, how white women rape and genocide Black men, the original illegal aliens are Europeans, psychological and Media warfare – propaganda, and how law enforcement sexually assault, rape and kill Black males.
The discussion also tapped into the subject on Nutricide, from the book by Llaila Afrika entitled Nutricide: The Nutritional Destruction of the Black Race.
The term Nutricide denotes an intentional killing through food. It has two definitions:
- Bringing about or causing the death of a body of knowledge and information that educates people about herbs, food, and food components that promote health and herbal curative properties.
- Bringing about or causing the death of a large number of people by manipulating the kind of nutrition that people receives from food.
According to Dr. David Imhotep, it starts with the manipulation of food, adding chemicals and altering its original state to increase its shelf life, but destroying nutritional content in the process.
The book by Llaila Afrika offers two good examples. One is the iron-deficient diets of African boys that resulted in conduct problems, disruptive problems, restlessness, and many others.
Iron is needed by the left side of the brain that is responsible for cognitive skills necessary to manage reason and logic. This means iron deficiency is a means to power down people of color.
A diet full of salts, sugars, and synthetic foods tends to be very addicting, resulting in poor health and death.
Slavery Diet
The discussion also tackled the slavery diet, which was forced by the slave masters to the slave and then handed down for generations. These include cooked food diet that involves lots of frying and greasy foods.
The same diet continues to plague Black families of today.
It doesn’t help that supermarkets in Black communities sell inferior fruits, vegetables, and other food items, which is unlike supermarkets in white neighborhoods where fresher produce and food items are sold.
Even packaged products and canned goods are far superior in white communities than in the black communities.
Anti-Black Misandry
In the panel discussion of the Extinction Protocol – The African American Male and the Man-Not, Dr. Tommy Curry uses the term anti-black misandry, which he borrowed from the work of Dr. William A. Smith, to refer to what others call gendered racism because of the fact that there is a sexual component to how black males are subjected to police brutality, and how they are linked to high homicide rates.
This idea was discussed in depth in an episode in the Philippe Matthews Show entitled The Man-Not and Critical Race Theory. It hit a mark then, and has the same effect when it was re-opened in this particular episode. A stark difference is the fact that anti-black misandry can now be linked to other aspects that affect black men in the society, such as racial battle fatigue, nutricide, and hyper masculinity.
Critical Race Theory
Critical race theory is the primary research interest of Dr. Tommy Curry, a concept that was founded in the early 1980s. In this discussion, he brought up some serious points with backing from historical literature.
According to him, it was white women who “were really credited with the birth of feminism and began political campaigns against black men so that black men would not get the right to vote over them because their fear was that if ‘savage’ or low-order black men get to determine the wills of superior white women that it will lower the white race”.
Black men did get the right to vote but the fight and struggle did not end there. White people, particularly southern races, continued to believe that the black male population does not deserve the right to vote.
There is plenty more to learn about the critical race theory as discussed by Dr. Tommy Curry. The more you listen and understand the harder it is to digest the struggle that people of color went through right up to this day. Society might look different today for the black population but the same struggles exist, only in a different form.
Racial Battle Fatigue
With Dr. William A. Smith as one of the esteemed guests, the Extinction Protocol episode also tackled racial battle fatigue that had been previously discussed but still connects to this particular show.
After all, misandry is one of the causes of racial fatigue, where men of color are unappreciated, disrespected, and undesired due to prejudice of their race, color, and gender. But one of the points that really hit the mark is how the community is socialized to hate black male in many ways, according to Dr. William A. Smith.
Anyone listening and watching the show would take a pause and think hard. It makes it easy to see how someone who doesn’t discriminate can fall victim to prejudice without even knowing it because of this kind of socialization process. What is even more real is the fact that the challenges of racial battle fatigue will remain and pass through from one generation to another.
Dr. William A. Smith raises a challenge, especially to black families, to break the cycle. Whether or not this happens remains to be seen.
White Social Science
This episode is mind-blowing as a whole, but nothing as explosive as when Dr. Tommy Curry talked about white social science and the idea that black men developed as a white female child. Because they were labeled to be savage they developed along feminine lines and are considered less patriarchal than white women or female children.
Given how society sets gender as masculine for men and feminine for women, black men’s gendered existence tells a story that is quite hard to believe. How can a black male develop feminine lines? What is the impact of a matriarchal community to a black man?
Professor Kaba also shared his observation that when a black child hugs a black teacher, it is often perceived as a mother-child relationship. But when it is done to a white woman, it is seen as sexual or becomes sexual because of the belief that black men are hyper sexual. This is called, Psycho Sexual Homo Erotica.
To say that this discussion is enlightening is a major understatement. There are areas of focus that is hard to fathom but exists because there is proof to back them.
Police Brutality
This particular episode of the Philippe Matthews Show also tapped into one of injustices that black men experience, police brutality, which extends beyond beating and throwing them in jail under false accusations. Being raped and sodomized by the very people who are supposed to protect you is the worst crime. Unfortunately, this kind of abuse is reality to people of color, especially the black male.
This kind of sexual assault and rape of black men may be a foreign concept to many people, but Dr. Tommy Curry explains that there is history behind it. They have been victims of rape since the time of slavery and right through to today. The only difference is the way they are enslaved and abused.
Rape and sexual abuse may have been linked to black women as society knows they were victimized during slavery, and Dr. Tommy Curry even said “they have the propensity to be raped by cops” because they were raped as slaves. But this type of abuse is just as true in black men.
Gender Theory
Extinction Protocol also deals with terms such as hyper masculinity, black men developing feminine lines, homoeroticism, and the like, this episode of the Philippe Matthews Show gives gender theory a definition that is different from standard literature. There is a so-called intersection in the present understanding of gender theory.
According to Dr. Tommy Curry, “We simply said that black men were victims of racism. And when we talk about black male incarceration or the high homicide rates or police brutality that that’s just racism”. But comparative studies show that these are reasons that “black males are disproportionately affected by these types of ills” next to black women.
Hyper Masculinity
White social science, according to Dr. Tommy Curry, believes that black men are hyper masculine and feminine. Because they live in a matriarchal society, they don’t have male role models. This results in them learning to imitate the women in their community. This will lead to their development of feminine personality disorder, resulting in hyper masculinity that will breed deviance. Mind blowning, definitely.
If you want to know more about this idea, watching this episode from start to finish will provide you with the right literature. There is so many things to understand and to learn.
Suffice to say that the more than 2-hour discussion delivers a powerful message and plenty of lessons on the realities that black people and people of color experience on a daily basis. From the food they eat and the environment they move in, there are stressors that they need to face and overcome on a daily basis.
If you want to better understand and learn more about race and the dilemmas of black people, watch the full video of the Extinction Protocol – The African American Male and the Man-Not with Philippe Matthews and his esteemed guests.
Dr. Tommy Curry
Currently the Executive Director of Philosophy Born of Struggle, Dr. Tommy Curry’s research interests, which is a mix of Critical Race Theory and Africana Philosophy, Biomedical Ethics of Investigational Treatments and the Ethics of Pain and Suffering, and Social/Political Philosophy (specifically Civil Rights Jurisprudence) is a reflection of the span of his works across various fields of philosophy, Africana Studies, jurisprudence, and Gender Studies.
Two of his famous books are The Man-Not: Race, Class, Genre, and the Dilemmas of Black Manhood, and The Philosophical Treatise of William H. Ferris: Selected Readings from The African Abroad or, His Evolution in Western Civilization (Creolizing the Canon).
Special Resources:
Temple Edu Profile
The Man-Not Interview
Dr. David Imhotep
Born David C. Jones, Dr. David Imhotep is a lecturer, professor, author, and historian at historic truth/Egypt in the Bahamas tours-current. He completed his undergraduate studies in Business Administration at the University of Nebraska and holds a Master’s of Science Degree from Nova University in both Science and Computer Education.
His first book entitled The First Americans Were Africans won an international literary award a year after it was published in 2011.
He also wrote They Came Before Adam or Eve, which is a rewritten dissertation that is not religion-related. It shows how the civilization in the Nile Valley predated Mesopotamia’s Civilization by thousands of years. 7 Interdisciplinary Sciences serve as the basis for the book.
He is widely respected as an Afrotologist, providing impressive enlightenment on ancient African topics and Civilizations. Since 1980, Dr. David Imhotep has been researching and collecting information on Black history.
Special Resources:
- Dr. David Imhotep on 17 Levels of Evidence
- [VIDEO] The First Americans Were Africans with Dr. David Imhotep
- [RADIO] The First Americans Were Africans
- [SPECIAL REPORT] 17 Levels of Evidence – LIES PERCEIVED TO BE THE TRUTH – “Native Americans Were Always Here” — NOT!
- [BOOK] The First Americans Were Africans: Revisited
Sign up for Spirituality Before Religions Free Ecourse
Kaba Hiawatha Kamene

“It ain’t over until we win!”
A Bronx educator since October 6, 1979, Kaba Hiawatha Kamene is a teacher, administrator, consultant, curriculum writer, and staff developer. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in International Politics from New York University, and two Masters Degrees – Masters in Art from Hunter College in New York History and Masters in Science of Educational Administration and Supervision from City College of New York.
One of the books he’s written is entitled Honoring Professor William Leo Hansberry (1894-1965): An Intellectual Libation For The Architect Of America’s African Studies Department.
He also has a host of DVDs and Lectures that include Introduction and Overview of the Moors in World History (DVD), Mi aMoor (CD and hardcover book), Spirituality Before Religions Free Ecourse (Lecture), and The Life History of the Human Race (eBook).
Special Resources:
- Kaba Kamene’s FREE 6 Day E-Course “Spirituality Before Religions”
- Download the Free 10-Page Special Report from Master Teacher, Kaba Hiawatha Kamene on DigitalNomics
- DOWNLOAD: The Life History of the Human Race by Kaba Hiawatha Kamene (38 page E-Book)
Dr. William A. Smith
Dr. William A. Smith is an Associate Professor in Ethnic Studies and Education, Culture & Society in The University of Utah. He won the Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for his work on Racial Battle Fatigue, an interdisciplinary theoretical framework that enables people to better understand race-related experiences of People of Color using a clearer method. It digs deeper into the race-related stressors that affect the health and academic achievement of Students of Color in a negative way.
He also worked with Dr. Walter R. Allen and Dr. Daniel Solórzano for collaborative projects at UCLA.
Special Resources:
- [VIDEO] Challenging Racial Battle Fatigue with Dr. William A. Smith
- Racial Socialization Through Forward Promise with Dr. Howard C. Stevenson and Rhonda Bryant
White Fright – Spiders, Snakes and Black Men!