The Philippe Matthews Show would like to recognize an up and coming motivational force in the UK; Queen Chioma Nworgu. Yes, Queen is a her actual name and she is fabulous! After realizing she needed a career change and wasn’t happy do what her family wanted her to do, Queen decided to soul-search and find out what she was put here to do.
That discovery led to her launching her own motivational seminars and helping kids and adults live their greatest life.
Here’s one of her powerful messages on How to be a Festive Person ~Live, Love and Laugh.
Queen Chioma Nworgu, 27, is a multi-talented Motivational Speaker, Singer, Beauty Queen and a Success/Academic Coach. She regularly organises motivational seminars and workshops for the community which regularly appears on Sky TV. She regularly speaks and performs at schools, colleges, universities, events and conferences across the UK and in Europe. She is an Ambassador at London Metropolitan University and has an MA degree in Education along with a BA (hons) degree in Mass Communications and Sociology. Queen Chioma has had over 25 major TV appearances which include Ben TV, MTV, BBC 1 and Latin TV. She has recently featured in a new advert for Focus Learning Support Ltd on Ben TV where she is played the character Vanessa who wants to study in UK (you can view the advert by tuning into Ben TV on sky, channel 184).
Queen Chioma is currently about to launch and release her 1st motivational audio CD titled the ‘Year of Greater Achievement, 7 steps on how to achieve great things in your life’ where she will be launching and touring schools, colleges, universities, book stores, radio and TV across the UK and Internationally. She believes that this CD will transform thousands of lives. In June 2010; Queen spoke/presented her academic paper at the World Congress Conference for Education in Turkey, Istanbul and also performed at the gala night which was a massive boat party to thousands of academics (Doctors and Professors) who came from all over the world. She also went to Bulgaria where she spoke at The Comparative Education Societies Conference and performed at the gala night to a crowd of hundreds of academics from all over the world, both papers that she presented at the conferences was published into two books – thus she became a co-author and she states ‘This has got to be my one of my biggest achievements to date’.
As a Singer – Queen Chioma has a youtube account with over 29,000 profile views and my videos have been viewed well over 100,000 times see www.youtube.com/queenchiomasinger her fans and supporters come from all over the world. She has have been a finalist and a semi-finalist at different talent shows, she has performed countless times across the UK and in Europe and has even performed for the Governor of Rivers State Nigeria. In 2009 she released her 1stmusic CD titled ‘Because of You/Beauty for Ashes’ which has sold across UK and Nigeria. Her passion for singing started when she was in secondary school. She had to perform the song ‘Ain’t Nobody’ by Faith Evans in front of the whole class. She was the only one who was given 10 out of 10 for her performance and her music teacher said that it was good enough to go on stage – her friends were dazzled by her star presence and Queen States ‘This was the defining moment for me, when I performed that day I knew that something had happened to me and I knew that I was born to be a star’. Queen Chioma studied an A-level in Performing Arts (along with Sociology and Media Studies) and became a member of two choirs – Kensington Temple Choir and Christ Church Choir. Her biggest performance to date was at the Royal Albert Hall to a crowd of over 2,000. She states ‘Prior to; that I performed with KT Youth Choir at different church concerts’.
In May 2010 Queen Chioma Nworgu started participating as a contest for beauty pageants. She stumbled upon the Miss Great Britain website and joined the club which permitted her to be a contestant across any heat in the UK. Queen Chioma Nworgu states: ‘I was a contestant at 11 heats/pageants across the UK, I travelled across the UK with a strong desire to win the crown and title in one of the Great Britain cities, I ended up placing at 2nd runner up for Miss West Sussex; I came top 5 at Miss Essex and top 7 at Miss Kent’. Queen eventually went on to be 1st reserve in the Miss Great Britain finals and was later offered a place in the finals as Miss Leeds Great Britain, however due to her MA graduation ceremony clashing with the date she was unable to participate in the finals. Her sudden success lead to press attention and Queen Chioma featured in OK magazine, Southampton Echo Newspaper, The Voice Newspaper, Latin TV and The Islington Gazette.
Fans in Turkey have labeled Queen Chioma as ‘The next Rihanna’, a fan commented and said ‘you will be like Rihanna but even more famous’. Queen states ‘People in UK are making sign my autograph these days and are beginning to recognize me from TV appearances and press releases, I feel that it is a sign that I am going to make it big soon’.
At hand, Queen Chioma is working on several projects which include her new range of hand-made cards, TV presenting work, working on her solo album and completing 2 books on self-development, which she aims to publish in 2011. Above all she passionately wants to spread the message that ‘This year is the year of Greater Achievement’ and aims to inspire people all over the world.
All hail the Queen! Keep you eyes, ears and hearts open for this true motivational force!

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