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Fossil footprints of early modern humans found in Tanzania

MINNEAPOLIS--Newly discovered fossil footprints at a site in northern Tanzania on the shore of Lake Natron capture a moment in time around 120,000 years ago when a band of 18 humans--early members of our own species, Homo sapiens --traipsed across wet volcanic ash to an unknown destination.

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Cod Ranching Could Keep Fishermen Flush

By Daniel Cressey of Nature magazine Ranching cod off the coast of Iceland is far more financially sensible than conventional fishing methods or keeping the fish in cages, according to a new analysis. Fish ranching -- where the animals are free to roam but trained to return to a certain point so they can be caught -- could one day become a significant part of global fisheries, fitting between traditional catching and aquaculture, says Bj

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Schizophrenia ‘in a Dish’

By Ewen Callaway of Nature magazine Before committing suicide at the age of 22, an anonymous man with schizophrenia donated a biopsy of his skin cells to research. [More]

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Would You Lie to a Customer?

Most restaurants try to accommodate special requests : Omitting chopped peanuts on a sundae for the allergic, or swapping out blue cheese for cheddar if a diner would prefer a less pungent burger topping is not only good customer service, but expected. Which is why it was so appalling when a former Tavern on the Green chef boasted on his Facebook page that he purposely served high-gluten pasta to diners who requested a gluten-free entr

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Facebook Places, Foursquare: Social Media’s Tiny 2% Impact on Businesses

"What our clients are struggling with is: How big a deal are social media and location-based services, and how much of it is just sound and fury?" says a senior VP of Applied Predictive Technologies, which runs data analytics for Starbucks and Subway. "You've got your Groupon and Living Social , and your Foursquare and Facebook Places," says Jonathan Marek. "What our clients are struggling with is: How big a deal are social media and location-based services, and how much of it is just sound and fury?" That's the question on the mind of most every marketer and retailer--and Marek might finally have an answer

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SELF-PROCLAIMED "social-media guru" and "jargon techspert" Alex Blagg from BajillionHits.Biz keeps sending us lists of "hot new Bizwords," which he insists are creating tons of buzz in the biggest meetings and boardrooms. We'll let you decide. | Illustrations by Andrew Rae #table { clear:both; width:620px; height:800px; background-image:url('http://images.fastcompany.com/magazine/154/next/next-40-arrows-background.jpg') ; background-repeat:no-repeat; } #table p{ font-size:13px; } #top #left { float:left; width:200px; margin-top:29px; } #top #right { float:right; width:200px; } #middle { height:200px; width:200px; float:left; margin-top:197px; margin-left:3px; } #bottom #left { float:left; width:200px; clear:left; margin-top:20px; margin-left:20px; } #bottom #right { float:right; width:200px; margin-top:52px; } APPTERNOON DELIGHT (AKA ANGRY LUNCH) The practice of barricading oneself in a bathroom stall for 20 or 30 minutes every afternoon just to play Angry Birds on your smartphone FACEBLOCKING Losing an otherwise solid sale, job, or business relationship just by acting like a jackass on Facebook REHABUZZITATION A hibernation period during which a person or brand takes a break from creating Internet buzz in order to recharge their buzz-driving batteries REVENUDE The sensation of vulnerable nakedness one feels when all one's puffed-up BS and profit-jargoning has been stripped away to reveal actual numbers in the harsh light of day CONTENT SHARECROPPING A practice employed by large online "content farms," in which they festoon their harvested content with a bunch of pointless social-media sharing buttons in order to give their "crops" more substance A version of this article appears in the April 2011 issue of Fast Company

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Regeneration: The axolotl story

Last week, the science community was set a-buzz with a new study that showcased the unique relationship between salamanders and algae.

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How "Inadmissible" Brain Scans Can Still Influence the Courts

The world of law as practiced in the real world is far removed from that usually discussed by law professors and philosophers or shown on television and in movies. In idealized or fictional cases the law always operates formally and may seem to pursue some abstract quest for justice. In the everyday practice of law, however, things work differently--it is all about cobbling together the most compelling and convincing story possible either for or against a defendant

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Neuroscience in the Courtroom (preview)

By a strange coincidence, I was called to jury duty for my very first time shortly after I started as director of a new MacArthur Foundation project exploring the issues that neuro

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