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Why Better Products Don’t Always Win

You may have superior technology or a great feature set, but if your product doesn't create value for the customer, its chance of success is slim. We've heard a number of CEOs say, "Our product is more advanced than anything else on the market.

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Box: Can It Stop a Goliath Named Google?

If the rumors are true, Google will launch a cloud service that aims squarely at Box. Does the start-up have what it takes to survive? Quick, answer this trivia question: How many stones did David use to kill Goliath

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Has Innovation Lost Its Meaning? Percolate’s Noah Brier On Its True Definition

"For better or worse, the word 'innovation' has come to represent so much that it seems to have lost most of its meaning," says Noah Brier, cofounder of Percolate , a company that helps brands create content on a social scale. So a few years ago, Brier decided to read some of the early writings of Josef Schumpter, the first person to really talk about innovation in the field. "Reading his stuff really opened my eyes, as he had a very specific definition of innovation: The commercialization of an invention," says Brier.

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Magnetic cloak: Physicists create device invisible to magnetic fields

Autonomous University of Barcelona researchers, in collaboration with an experimental group from the Academy of Sciences of Slovakia, have created a cylinder which hides contents and makes them invisible to magnetic fields. The device was built using superconductor and ferromagnetic materials available on the market. The invention is published this week in the journal Science.

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Make An iPhone, Android App Without Knowing A Line Of Code

JamPot's new AppBuilder asks a series of questions and spits out a genuine, though limited-function, app. It could blow the market wide open. With JamPot's AppBuilder , you can build a genuine iPhone or Android app in mere minutes for free--according to the company's own website.

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Selling at a Loss Good for Business?

Killing an unprofitable product isnt always the best path. Here are four scenarios where sustaining a poor performer can help the business grow. Common sense would tell you that if you have unprofitable products, removing them from your portfolio will increase the overall profitability of your business

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Selling at a Loss Good for Business?

Killing an unprofitable product isnt always the best path. Here are four scenarios where sustaining a poor performer can help the business grow. Common sense would tell you that if you have unprofitable products, removing them from your portfolio will increase the overall profitability of your business.

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Selling at a Loss Good for Business?

Killing an unprofitable product isnt always the best path. Here are four scenarios where sustaining a poor performer can help the business grow

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Selling at a Loss Good for Business?

Killing an unprofitable product isnt always the best path. Here are four scenarios where sustaining a poor performer can help the business grow.

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Inside the Mind of a Venture Capitalist

Making an investment is like being at the racetrack: Sometimes we make investments based on gut decision, but the horse, jockey, and individual race matter, too.

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Are You Missing This Hot Market?

Your tech company is probably under-serving customers over 50, says Weebly co-founder David Rusenko. (He's made a bundle designing products with this market in mind.) Call them Gen Y , the Millennials, Generation Catalano , or now even Generation C , but whatever name you use for the young and plugged, this group certainly gets a lot of press.

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