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Small Business’ Real Problem with the Banking System

Increased regulation of bank lending still needs to allow for measured risks that permit sound small businesses to receive funding needed to thrive. I self-financed Metal Mafia when I first opened it in 2004.

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Cracking The Venture Capital Glass Ceiling

The founders of True & Co. put lacy thongs in the swag bags at a mostly male tech conference; their eyebrow-raising approach to launching caught the eye of a few women investors

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Ancient Time: Earliest Mayan Astronomical Calendar Unearthed in Guatemala Ruins

An excavation of an archaeological site in Guatemala has uncovered Mayan astronomical records dating to the ninth century A.D. The tabulated numbers, which predate existing Mayan astronomical documents by several hundred years, chart the motion of the moon and also seem to relate to the orbits of Mars and Venus. (And good news: they do not predict the world will end this year --in fact, some of the numbers appear to refer to dates far in the future.) [More]

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8 Top States for Start-Up Hiring

Silicon Valley is a no-brainer. But where else in America is hiring at the smallest, scrappiest, biggest-growth-potential companies? (Hint: Don't mess with Texas!) Want to hone your entrepreneurial skills and get a feel for the start-up scene before diving in to found your own company

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50 Years in Business and Still Growing

The dual focus of making signs and exhibits has helped Inc. 5000 Applicant of the Week Color-Ad grow over the last five decades. As applications for the 2012 Inc

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55-Hour Week? You’re Wasting Time

Research shows that consistently working more than 40 hours a week is simply unproductive. For many in the entrepreneurship game, long hours are a badge of honor. Starting a business is tough, so all those late nights show how determined, hard working and serious about making your business work you are, right

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Life Or Death Decision-Making: What Businesses Can Learn From The Red Cross

Gail McGovern, the president and CEO of the American Red Cross, assumed leadership of this iconic organization at a particularly tough time. In 2008, when she was chosen from among 170 candidates, the institution’s reputation had been tarnished by the response to Hurricane Katrina and by a string of leadership scandals.

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Why You’d Fail at Goldman Sachs

If your personal beliefs don't mesh with a company's corporate culture, you're destined to fail. On Wednesday, the Goldman Sachs executive Greg Smith resigned his job by writing a scathing op-ed in the New York Times . In that column, written as an exit letter, he accuses top management of encouraging predatory sales practices that actively hurt customers: "I attend derivatives sales meetings where not one single minute is spent asking questions about how we can help clients

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Netflix Deal Reveals Apple’s Secret Sauce: iTunes Pay Channel

As announced this week, the new Apple TV brings a new UI, better internal specs, and full HD capability to the table. But there's the business equivalent of an Easter egg hidden in it for Netflix subscribers: From now on, if you want to join Netflix you can do it through your Apple TV, and Apple handles the payments via its iTunes back channel. Essentially it works like this: The Apple TV functionality hinges on your iTunes user account, the same kind that's powered 25 billion app downloads to date

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