Contemporary life, with its flurry of e-mails, alerts, and appointments, can feel overwhelming, even for entrepreneurs. Train your brain to deal with the chaos. Entrepreneurs these days are bombarded with e-mails and information from the moment they grab their smartphones in the morning until they click their laptops closed before bed
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Feed SubscriptionThe Race For Mobile Payments
The fight is on to turn your smartphone into a wallet. Who will win
Read More »Korean researchers making progress on 3D OLED screens
( -- With the recent rise in popularity of 3D movies at the theater, consumers quite naturally have begun to wonder about what’s being done to bring such technology to their smartphones and better yet, the big flat screen TVs in their living rooms. As it stands now, most viewers that wish to watch 3D movies, whether at home or the theater, must wear some type of 3D eyeglasses. This is unfortunate, because most would prefer to watch without having to don the goofy looking accessories.
Read More »Soaps 2.0: MTV’s New WatchWith App Enables Your "Jersey Shore" Addiction On A Second Screen
Today, MTV launched the WatchWith iPhone app, a service designed to drive network engagement through social sharing, photos and video, rewards, blog posts, and more. It's part of an aggressive push by the network to capture the " second screen experience ," an industry term used to describe the smartphones and tablets people turn to alongside TV. Distractions from our precious television shows used to be few and far between: the occasional power outage, a knock at the front door or a ring of the downstair's telephone, a parent demanding the plug pulled lest our brains turn to mush
Read More »Baked In: How BenchPrep Is Turning e-Textbooks Into Virtual Study Groups
In the future, students will use social networks for more than planning keggers. If Groupon's backers have anything to say about it
Read More »Peel Turns iPhones, iPads Into All-Knowing, Universal Super TV Remotes
“We call it the difference between mechanics and magic,” says Bala Krishnan (right) of the ultra-intuitive TV remote he created with partner Thiru Arunachalam. | Photograph by Toby Burditt How Peel cracked the code of navigating the gazillion-channel universe. AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT, there are thousands of programs ready to stream via satellite dishes and cable wires -- everything from Jersey Shore to Hawaii Five-0
Read More »Gaga’s $0.99 Album Gives iTunes The Finger, Navy SEALs Vs. Mickey Mouse, And More…
The Fast Company reader's essential source for breaking news and innovation from around the web--updated all day.
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