Have all your relationships been failures? Do you get into a relationship thinking this might be the one, only to have the union crumble in the end? Do you feel like you don’t attract the right men at all?
Sadly, you’re not the only one out there who is experiencing issues when it comes to romance. Just like you, other women too have trouble finding what we call “lasting love.”
However, there are some women who have gone through all this pain and trouble and ended up finding The One. One of these women is Marion Baker, who searched in vain for someone who wanted to share a lasting relationship with them. And when she found the one she’s been searching for all her life, she didn’t just want to have a happy ending with him. She chose to to share her experience with others as a way to help them find someone who would want to spend the rest of their lives with them.
Marion’s advice and experience are detailed in her book called, “[easyazon_link asin=”1460231961″ locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”shockpublishi-20″ add_to_cart=”default” cloaking=”default” localization=”default” popups=”default”]The Lime Green Plastic Covered Couch – Insight for Women Who Struggle to Find Lasting Love[/easyazon_link].”
The Lime Green Plastic Covered Couch
Marion was just like any other woman trying to find a relationship. She went through years of blind dates, all of which wound up unsuccessful. She tried her luck with meet and greets, but still to no avail. She even bought into technology as a way to meet people through internet dating, but that didn’t bring her any luck either.
Still single and in her mid-forties, Marion was just fed up. It’s one thing to end a relationship, but it’s another to keep leaving a failed one behind.
“What is the secret to lasting relationships?”, she wondered. It then hit her that she had absolutely no clue what it is. She also knew that she wasn’t alone in this.
This became her inspiration to explore our own self-deflating patterns more deeply. She took it upon her to understand our subconscious and how it leads us to heartbreak. As a result, she has created the book, [easyazon_link asin=”1460231961″ locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”shockpublishi-20″ add_to_cart=”default” cloaking=”default” localization=”default” popups=”default”]The Lime Green Plastic Covered Couch – Insight for Women Who Struggle to Find Lasting Love[/easyazon_link], as a way to offer pioneering insights that would help women find lasting love.
About Marion Baker
Marion Baker is a Registered Therapeutic Counselor (RTC). Called The Love Therapist, she is trained in transpersonal psychology, which is the union of spirituality and psychology. She received her training form Clearmind International, which is a counseling and personal development school that teaches courses based on A Course in Miracles.
As a transpersonal psychology counselor, Marion believes that there is something bigger than our personality at play. This something is the source that has a person’s best interest at heart, and one that can be counted on and connect with.
Transpersonal psychology tells us that we are not broken and we do not need fixing. We just have our own kind of struggle, but picking up the traces left by these struggles allows us to find a greater connection to our source. As a result, our way of life becomes a lot more easy and definitely more peaceful.
Marion spent thirty years of her life looking for love. In all those years, she has found the four-letter word to be very elusive until she discovered the key to long-term relationships.
With a fresh way to look at relationships and make them more effective, as well as allow a path to enhanced spiritual connection and freedom, Marion felt inspired to share what she knows with those who are finding it a challenge to find lasting love.
It is her work in transpersonal psychology counseling that led her to find greater spiritual connection and freedom, and most of all, the love that she was looking for.
Finding Lasting Love Is Possible
Marion Baker has shown that yes, it is possible to find someone who would love you and want to be with you. After all, she is a woman who has been through it all and emerged out of it a happy woman who has found THE ONE.
For more about Marion and her work, visit these pages: