Hotep Family,
Would you like to make money every time someone buys my bestselling book, DigitalNomics when you share and recommend it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Youtube?
In fact, I would like for you to have the opportunity to earn extra income from all 11 of my books!
I would like to show you how to earn money from sharing and recommending any book that you have read and love!
This Internet Marketing art/science is called Affiliate Marketing and Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon.com created the industry when he launched it back in 1996!
Here is an excerpt from my book, DigitalNomics on how to earn money from Amazon’s affiliate marketing program. Its free to join, so you have nothing to lose and extra money to gain.
How to Become A DigitalNomics Amazon Associate
One of the most popular affiliate programs in the world is the Amazon Associates Program.
Launched in 1996, Amazon Associates was the first online affiliate marketing programs. It has a 12-year track record of helping Amazon sellers, advertisers, website owners, and developers make money online through new and used products from Amazon.com and from its subsidiaries.
Provided by Amazon and with up to 15% commission for every sale, it is no surprise that people earn six and seven figures with the Amazon Associates program. This is especially true for those who have made it their full-time job to market Amazon and its associated products. But there’s more to this affiliate marketing program than just a source of income.
Benefits of Amazon Associates Association with a trusted company
In recent years, affiliate marketing has received a bad rep because some people have abused the system and turned it into a huge scam. A few unlucky souls signs up for an affiliate program and then falls victim to credit card and identity theft. But because the affiliate program is offered by Amazon, a well-known e-commerce brand, website visitors would be less dubious of the product you are advertising. You are then assured of a steady stream of income.
Generate revenue
Making money with Amazon Associates is guaranteed, provided that you follow guidelines on getting started and marketing products. By simply referring a friend or any other person to Amazon, you will get a 4% to 15% compensation from the sales amount every time they purchase a product. It doesn’t cost anything to apply as an Amazon affiliate. You don’t need a minimum referral requirement either to start earning referral fees. So you invest very little to get access and sell many items, and generate revenue.
Huge selection of products to promote from
The number of products sold on Amazon is practically uncountable. They may be under a set of categories, but the variation of products is huge and wide. This means there are plenty of products that you can market, sell and earn money from. But you do have the option to focus on a particular set of products, especially if you’re a website, blog or social media owner. This is because relevancy is important with an affiliate marketing program. However, if your blog or website caters to a wide range of audience, there’s no need to limit the number of products you can sell.
Access to easy-to-use tools
Amazon takes care of their affiliates, and provides them with easy-to-use tools for more convenient marketing. They provide web tools or plugins that can be used on a blog or website. Marketers have an option to add widgets on their website, which will redirect users to Amazon.com. Setting up a widget is easy, and it makes a prospect’s life even easier.
Access to detailed reports
To help you market products to the right person, Amazon assigns an Associate ID that is used to track activities from your website to Amazon’s websites. Every time a customer follows one of those links, a unique URL of a particular page is displayed and sent to Amazon, this makes it easier for Amazon to understand customer behavior and preferences, which they in turn share with you through detailed reports. You can also use the tracking ID to keep track of the performance of your website to give you an idea if you need to make improvements on your layout or promotional strategy.
Interaction with a broad community
Amazon has a worldwide reach, with affiliates coming from all over the globe. This means being part of the community allows you to interact with other affiliate marketers, who can provide you with insights and tips to make your job easier. Need strategies to improve lead conversion? Start a conversation and be assured of a sound and experienced advice.
Ujaama – The DigitalNomics Boot Camp
For step-by-step instructions on how to become an Amazon Affiliate and the best process of marketing and making money, recommending the books you love, download DigitalNomics
– Walk Away Wealth Systems: How to Create Wealth Out of Thin Air Using Your Mind, Melanin and Smart Phone or take the Philippe SHOCK Matthews’ Ujaama – The DigitalNomics Boot Camp Questionnaire!
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