Happy September Everybody!
In this exciting issue of the Philippe Matthews Show, read…
“If you want to change your life, empower your spirit, and reinvent your personal history; meet the SUPERSTARS of the present and future and see for yourself why these unique and gifted individuals have been appointed as my PERSONAL BEST!”
- Money $ Finance
- Personal Development
- Spiritual Development
- Gail Harris – First Female Captain of the US Navy
- Captain Gail Harris US Navy
- Over the past 20+ years, Captain Gail Harris has built a unique professional career that includes breaking ground for women and African Americans in the military, providing combat-proven leadership and intelligence analysis during major international conflicts, and developing policies and strategies for mitigating cyber warfare. She is also recognized as an engaging educator, expert speaker and trusted role model for women and men in the military and civilian sectors.
- Valentina Cirasola talks about Back in Polka Dots. “In designing a space a few elements play an important role to achieve a great comfort and elegance: Balance, Emphasis, Rhythm, Harmony and Unity, Proportions and Scale.”
- David Kenward; The Mental Coach shares The Power of Imagination, Kenward says, “In a previous column I talked about the power of expectation – how what we expect to happen tends to happen. Now let’s talk about the power of imagination – that what we believe about ourselves, drives our reality. This can help move us forward or hold us back, the key is what we believe.”
- Don’t Forget To Download The Philippe Matthews Show On Your Smart Phone!
- Discover how to write, publish and market your book in six weeks or less for $5! Full Course
- The Philippe Matthews Show will send you my How to Make Millions When Thousands Have Been Laid Off ebook featuring Stedman Graham for $5 Exclusively on Fiverr!
- The Philippe Matthews Show recommends that you learn how to Manifest Beyond Metaphysics; get the Shock Philosophy today!
- Find Out Who’s Watching the Philippe Matthews Show?

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