By: Philippe “SHOCK” Matthews
Philippe Matthews:
Where were you born and raised?
I was born in raised in California. I am originally from the bay area.
Philippe Matthews:
You are a military wife, and your husband was gone for two years, is that when you got started lifting weights and decided to compete?
Yes, I have worked out for a while. However, upon my husbands’ deployment, I craved for a positive output to keep me busy. I started hitting the weights a little harder, running a little faster, and pushing a little more. I was amazed by seeing the results. I have found if you settle for mediocrity, that’s what you get. But when you strive to be a little better than your previous best, you continue to improve time after time. My body has changed a lot from the first show. I learn a little more each and every time. It has truly shown me that age is nothing but a number. Because I get better and better as time goes on.
Philippe Matthews:
Were you worried about getting that ominous knock on your door with so many of our troops being killed daily in the war on terror?
I really tried not to think about it that way. My husband was deployed shortly after the death of my mother. Although I struggled with understanding, I tried to focus on anything positive I could think of. I know there is not much positive in regards to losing your mom AND your husband being in the midst of a war zone. But I focused more on what my mom taught me. She would always say it’s not about falling down; it’s about choosing to recover quickly and holding your head up high throughout it all. So I focused on things like: “What will my husband and I would do when he returns.” “How would he react to seeing the changes in our daughter?” “What adventures would we take to get to know each other again?” Those things made me smile. I use to joke around with him and say, “I know you will be back real soon to harass me about my poor cooking skills!” We would laugh and talk about normal day to day things like he was around the corner. It really helped that I had a humungous support system of friends and family. The majority of them I became close to after his departure.
Philippe Matthews:
What branch of the military does your husband work?
My husband was originally in Active Duty Army. He eventually ETS’d and went to the National Guard. His deployment to the Middle East was actually his 2nd deployment. He has a potential of being redeployed. I initially cringed when he told me this. But I am a firm believer that the Lord won’t let me go through anything that I can’t handle. Let’s just say, “I am pretty darn strong!!!!!
Philippe Matthews:
What is your last name and does your first name have a meaning?
I actually have a competition name and a legal name. My real name is very beautiful. However it is very unique. My first name is Hamisi. (Pronounce Hu-me-see). It is Swahili for “The beautiful flower.” At least that’s what my mom told me! God rest her soul. For all I know, it could mean stinky gym. She and my Aunt retrieved it from a baby book of exotic names. My last name is Guilbert. I am married to Sergeant First Class Jorn Guilbert. However, I compete by the name of Misi White. (It’s a lot easier on stage).
Philippe Matthews:
Who is your trainer?
I am trained by the best of the best. Kim Oddo. He trains amateur, National and Professional Figure competitors. He is the industries best. He helps me stay on task. He is an expert on workout, nutrition, supplements, guidance, and motivation (to name just a few things). There are not that many competitors who do not know who he is. I am proud to be one of Oddo’s Angels. I have been blessed to receive a sponsorship early through Max Muscle and be trained by the best in the industry. Kim has assisted me throughout 2007. I will continue to compete nationally in 2008 with his assistance.
Philippe Matthews:
You’ve only been competing professionally for two years and you have locked in sponsorship already; how did you do that?
It was really luck. After my husband’s deployment I worked out at 24 hour Fitness every day next to Max Muscle. One day I walked over to Max Muscle to grab a quick protein shake. Gabriel Arriola, the owner, asked me if I had competed. I had only done one show at that point. It was not an NPC show. Gabriel provided me with a Sponsorship and he created Team Max. With his guidance and additional driven team members, I placed 1st in my first NPC show. I received 1st in Open Class A, Masters A, Overall Open & Overall, Masters. From there we went on a winning spree of NPC shows placing from 1st to 5th!
Philippe Matthews:
Did you come from a big family?
HUGE! 6 siblings in one household. AND ALL GIRLS!!!! Do you know what a nightmare getting ready in the morning was??? It’s actually a good thing. I was raised in a tight knit family. We attended a church in the Bay Area in which my Grandfather was the pastor. My mom was the head of the Usher board. My dad was the deacon. So needless to say, my first PUBLIC two-piece swimsuit was not even worn until I started competing! Growing up was a collaboration of bible studies, choir rehearsals, usher meetings, etc.
Philippe Matthews:
What was childhood like for you?
I really have no complaints. I had a beautiful childhood with parents that loved me. I had a loving mother and father. I had a built in army of sisters. We were always busy. If it wasn’t church, it was school, sports, volunteering or visiting my grandparents. We had permanent build in playmates. It’s kind of hard not having someone to play with when you live with a house full of girls. We shared chores and responsibilities. I really miss it now that you mention it. Everything but the chores, of course.
Philippe Matthews:
You said you use to be a “chubby” girl, how did the people around you change when you got in shape?
It freaked out my mom when she realized I dropped so much weight. I hadn’t seen her in months and months and went down for holiday dinner. I packed my meals because I was in training for a competition. She kept asking me if I was hungry! It would make me laugh. My family is from the south. Cooking and eating tasty, fatty foods was a requirement! So my new lifestyle and look was the talk of each holiday. It gave me a sense of accomplishment. They still come to me for advice. A consistent inquiry from family and friends is what sparked the business that I share with Newonda.
Philippe Matthews:
Do you want to go to the nationals?
Thanks to Gabriel and Max Muscle of Elk Grove, 2007 was the first year for National shows for me. Since this is the next level, I needed that extra push. Kim Oddo has been instrumental in driving my physique in 2007. Las Vegas Nationals was an amazing look for me. Although I did not place top 5, I am not discouraged!
Philippe Matthews:
You say you want to go into the modeling side of fitness modeling, how lucrative is it and what are the qualifications?
Honestly you must be well known for it to be lucrative. However, in the beginning, participating in various shoots and events will help you gain the publicity to obtain the higher paying projects. Since upkeep can be fairly expensive, you really have to plan smart. Planning is everything. (If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.) It is my intention to time my modeling events around my competitions. That will assist with the financial output that is associated with modeling and competing. It will also allow me to plan for “family only” time during a period that I am not required to prepare authorized meals, amp up my work outs and limit the activities of my loved ones. This can create a strain on family fun.
Philippe Matthews:
How many African American women are involved with this industry?
Sadly, there are not enough African American Competitors. Although the stage is comprised of a variety of nationalities, the number of African American participants greatly decreased as I progress in the levels. It could be due to geographical location. I’m not really sure. I do know I would love to see more African American woman represent our physiques at these events. Our children, teenagers and peers need to understand there is more than one form, shape and color of beauty.
Philippe Matthews:
How do you develop the mindset and discipline not to overeat or under eat within your sport?
I have several ways that I do this. The most powerful two ways I do this is by simply asking if it is worth it to me. Is this candy worth me being a day behind on my goal? Is it worth the extra hour of cardio I will have to do to burn it? Usually the answer is NO! So I don’t. If it is yes, I go to philosophy number two. Philosophy number two is, the first bite always taste just like the last bite. So there is no need to eat a ton of miniature snickers, because they all taste the same. One mini should do it.
Philippe Matthews:
Can you offer our readers a fitness, beauty and nutrition tip?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Love yourself. Accept yourself. You can only be the best you that you can be. So find yourself and treasure what the lord has provided you by feeding your mind, body and soul with good, positive nourishment. How you see yourself, will give you the strength to overcome any negative perception of others.
Philippe Matthews:
Is it hard having a social life when you are training and preparing for competition?
It’s very difficult. A lot of people (including spouses), do not understand the timeframes, guidelines, supplements, and physical drain that is common with competing. I do not normally socialize 8 weeks before a show. It is too stressful and too tempting. It’s funny because it does not seem hard to accomplish. However when you have EVERYBODY you run into tell you it’s hard, its impossible or you’re obsessed; you actually start to believe it after awhile. I find it is best for me to sometimes isolate myself.
Philippe Matthews:
Who are your mentors and who inspires you?
I am assuming this question is who inspires me IN LIFE IN GENERAL. This question brings a flashback of a childhood memory. Long ago, I got in trouble at school. After my mom discussed the incident with me she explained to me that I was a role model and my actions were important. I did not understand what she meant. She then explained that everyone has someone who has encouraged or been motivated by something that they see, or something that they heard. She then expressed to me the importance of the decisions that I make because it could have an influence on someone else’s life at some time. My mom and my grandmother were loving and giving to the core. Even when faced with dealing with discipline, they taught me to embrace this powerful feedback. Because of this, I must say they have inspired me the most.

Nice interview. I do love working out but not competitively and still get the same questions about food when I socialize, sugar is a serious culprit and I have cut out so much of it. Training is dedication and discipline, total mindset. Go on girl.