Welcome to Philippe’s Best!
Get your very own iPhone and Android App for your business! Check out what Chris and Howie did for the Philippe Matthews Show!
Check what I personally consider to be the world’s BEST!
One of the BEST cigars that I’m experiencing right now is the Nicaraguan puro called Reinado! A phenomenal smoke. I enjoy it with a special cup of coffee by Cafe Fumar which specializes in coffee for the cigar afficianado! This truly is the BEST!
I personally recommend…
It’s a great tool to manage and increase your Youtube friends and subscribers.
I highly recommend…
Many people ask me how to I create, manage, and move such massive amounts of content on a daily, weekly and monthly basis? My secret is below, but don’t tell anyone! lol If you want to use Internet marketing to build your business, you must check out this site. For as low as $347 per month, you can have a pre-trained, dedicated, virtual assistant handling all your internet marketing.
I personally recommend what I think is one of the easiest, smartest formulas I’ve ever seen to get rankings, traffic, leads and sales…
My good friend, video marketing dude, Mike Koenigs, basically developed a secret recipe for dominating markets online that I personally use!
The video is here. Mike shows you how to create an online campaign that DOMINATES search engines and generates massive traffic and leads fast, easy and cheap.
You’ll be able to turn any prospect into a buyer without coming across like a salesperson.
It’s called: “The 10x10x4 Market Domination Formula“ and it is so brilliant and simple you will get it immediately.
I recommend the law of attraction singles…
I want to personally recommend my good friend and mentor, Mr. Mark Victor Hansen…
I would never have written my book, nor would I have launched my TV talk show if it were not for Mark’s guidance and belief in me that I could do it! This man has sold more than any other human being in the history of publishing! If you want to write, market and make money from writing a book, click on that banner write now and listen, watch and read what Mark Victor Hansen has to say!
I would like to recommend one of the most underutilized tool in marketing — a teleseminar tool.
Your prospects might spend 60 seconds on your website. But they’ll spend 60 or more MINUTES with you on a teleseminar.
That’s why teleseminars may be the most underutilized tool in marketing today.
Here’s the teleseminar tool I recommend: CLICK HERE
Not only is it the easiest to use, it’s the only teleseminar / webcast tool that’s designed specifically for people who are selling online.
Plus, I fee they’ve got the best training in the industry. So not only do you get the tool, you learn how to make it work in your business.