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Women’s fiction has been around for a very long time, but it really skyrocketed in 2012 with the release of [easyazon_link asin=”0345803485″ locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”shockpublishi-20″ add_to_cart=”default” cloaking=”default” localization=”default” popups=”default”]Fifty Shades of Grey: Book One of the Fifty Shades Trilogy[/easyazon_link] by EL James. Although there were some faults with the trilogy, the sales and everything that had to do with it – including a film adaption that just released its first trailer – shows that there is an audience for women’s stories. Not just erotica in general, but stories that vividly describe sex scenes.
Even a renowned author like Anne Rice – who is undoubtedly most famous for the series of vampire novels she put out – has dabbled in erotica. Under the pen name AN Roquelare, Rice released a trilogy of women’s fiction.
Lots of writers have included a bit of sensuality in their work, and with the rise of erotic literature, we are now witnessing an audience that is more acceptable of the inclusion of sex in the books they read. Even some self-published authors are taking on the subject of erotica and including it in their books.
And all this talk brings us to one Carol Soloway who published a novel called Sex Happens and yes, there’s a lot of sex in the book, but it’s so much more than that. There’s actually a plot!
Before delving into the work of Carol, it’s time to take a brief look into her life first.
The Life of Carol Soloway
Carol Soloway, or better yet, Dr. Carol Soloway works as a chiropractor, but has a passion for writing. Her expertise includes chiropractic and medical legal report writing. She received her DC in chiropractic medicine from the Los Angeles Chiropractic College.
Other than writing, Carol is a pretty good tennis player – as evidenced from her guesting on Talk with Turcio. Host Eric Turcio has known Carol for some time and shares that she is also quite the good dancer.
This shows that Carol has such a varied range of interests, and she actually indulges in them. In particular, she has released a book that sprung out of her passion for writing.
Carol has gone through a lot in life. She has had melanoma twice, and she said that getting divorced was much more painful than cancer.
Carol has been married several times before. The first one is one that she doesn’t consider a bad time in her life. She was never miserable in her first marriage. She knew her then husband since they were 13.
However, she says that the second one really stung. For her, she didn’t want to get divorced AGAIN. She was miserable for 10 years with her second marriage. Her unwillingness to be deemed a failure caused her to feel miserable because she stuck with the marriage.
Carol said that her work was her release when getting though a tough time in her life. She said the moment she decided end her 10-year marriage was when her grandson was born. When her former husband didn’t want to go to the hospital with her to await his birth, she decided that was the end.
Other than her work, Carol also credits the community around her for helping her get through the tough life of a divorcee. And this also plays into the novel with the main character having a book club.
Of course, she also credits her children with making a lot of things better.
Carol is a Mrs. again, to a man named Wayne, but this time, she says that her husband is really understanding.
Sex Happens
There are lots of parallels between Carol’s life and the lead character in her book, Dr. Alexandra Rose. First off, both of them carry the title of doctor. And the one where they really share a similarity is the fact that they have both gone through a divorce. Carol was able to draw a lot of emotion from her own personal experience and pour that into her novel, Sex Happens.
The book is basically a story about a woman who loses everything that is dear to her. She gets divorced from her husband, and even more painful, she doesn’t get custody of her children either. The book then traces how she is picking up her life after a nasty divorce.
The book developed out of the question, “Who are you of you are no longer or wife or a mother?” Dr. Alexandra Rose, the protagonist, loses her husband and custody of her two children. Her story is a quest to reclaim her children and the other things in between.
Throughout her journey, she is supported by a community of women, the First Friday Book Club. Every book this club seems to read every month mirrors her own life.
As she moves along with life, she meets a dangerously handsome black former Marine with whom she shares a frequent sexual tryst with. With this relationship, she experiences life that is quite different from what she is accustomed to. Torrid sex, going to clubs and whatnots became the story of her life.
However, things start to change when her book club discovers the true identity of her lover. Although she ends the relationship, her lover isn’t keen on letting her go, delivering the line “If I can’t have you, no one will.”
Reading the book is sure to be a roller coaster ride – sexy, adventurous and somewhat dangerous. Described as “gut-wrenching as Eat, Pray, Love and as titillating as Fifty Shades of Grey,” Sex Happens focuses on the life of a woman who has to deal with the fact that everything has been taken away from her.
It functions like an inspection of what happens to a woman’s life when everything that she’s ever known – being a wife or being a mother – is suddenly stripped away. The book also highlights the importance of community in being able to move on and of course, the power that sex has over people.
With Sex Happens, Dr. Carol Soloway has put out something that is part sexy, part thrilling and overall an enjoyable read.
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